
Displaying 251 - 260 of 326
Calendar of State Papers Domestic: Edward VI, Mary and Elizabeth
… warning. March 13. Hatfield. 10. Robert Abbott to Mr. Wylson. Good success of the new manufactory at Hatfield, for …
Calendar of State Papers Domestic: Edward VI, Mary and Elizabeth
… October 1578 October 1578 Oct. 1. The Court. 1. Sec. Tho. Wylson to Lord Burghley. Has delivered his letter to the Earl … endeavour to avoid disputes at Court. Oct. 18. 11. See. Wylson to same. Advertisements out of the Low Countries. …
Calendar of State Papers Domestic: Edward VI, Mary and Elizabeth
… and others, retailers of linen cloth in London, to Sec. Wylson. Against the granting of a corporation and exclusive …
Calendar of State Papers Domestic: Edward VI, Mary and Elizabeth
… in the Marshalsea (who accused Hardyng), to Mr. Sec. Wylson. Desires to be liberated on account of his distressed …
Calendar of State Papers Domestic: Edward VI, Mary and Elizabeth
… 19. 10. Orders agreed on between Sir Fr. Walsyngham, Tho. Wylson, Sec. of State, and Tho. Randolphe, Master of the …
Calendar of State Papers Domestic: Edward VI, Mary and Elizabeth
… Court of Requests; signified by letter of Mr. Sec. Wylson to the Masters of Requests. Nov. 30. Inner Temple. 66. …
Calendar of State Papers Domestic: Edward VI, Mary and Elizabeth
… States some objections to the appointment of Secretary Dr. Wylson as Dean of Durham; but is content to act as his …
Calendar of State Papers Domestic: Edward VI, Mary and Elizabeth
… decayed. Oct. 28. Red Cross Street. 42. Wm. Herlle to Sec. Wylson. Sues for the release of R. Yorck, who had been …
Calendar of State Papers Domestic: Edward VI, Mary and Elizabeth
… of Cowpon, in the County Palatine of Durham, to Mr. Tho. Wylson, Sec. of State and Dean of Durham, against the sale of … or barges to London by the river Lea. 87. [ ] to Secretary Wylson. In favour of certain Merchants of the Stillyard, who … released. 133. Orders agreed on between Walsyngham, Tho. Wylson, and Tho. Randolphe, Master of the Posts, for …
Calendar of State Papers Domestic: Elizabeth
… paid to the assigns and executors of the late Dean, [Dr. Wylson?]. Opposition of Mr. Ralph Leaver: Mrs. Whittingham …
Displaying 251 - 260 of 326