
Displaying 25081 - 25090 of 25196
A History of the County of Wiltshire
Wilton Early history EARLY HISTORY Wilton situated at a strategic point on the river systems of southern Wiltshire 1 was an obvious choice as a place of settlement by the migrants from the south, who about the …
A History of the County of Wiltshire
Wilton Industry since c.1500 INDUSTRY SINCE c. 1500 The fortunes of Wilton which formerly had been built on a multiplicity of crafts and trading activities, gradually came to depend …
A History of the County of Wiltshire
Wilton Manors and lesser estates MANORS AND LESSER ESTATES In 1086 Wilton was in the custody of Hervey, a royal official, who apparently did not farm the … to have been held by Queen Berengaria. 2 After the death of Richard I it formed part of Berengaria's dower, but …
A History of the County of Wiltshire
Wilton Markets, fairs, agriculture and mills MARKETS AND FAIRS The existence of a market in Wilton probably dates from the Anglo-Saxon period, for conditions of local trade, as shewn above, were exceptionally …
A History of the County of Wiltshire
Wilton Medieval town government MEDIEVAL TOWN GOVERNMENT In the reign of Henry I the leading burgesses secured the right to … time between 1121 and 1133, possibly in 1121. 2 The grant of a charter was obviously of benefit to the town as a whole, …
A History of the County of Wiltshire
Wilton Medieval trade and industry MEDIEVAL TRADE AND INDUSTRY The economic importance of Wilton in the postConquest period attracted a number of Jews who settled there; this Jewish community evidently …
A History of the County of Wiltshire
Wilton Modern town government and poor relief MODERN TOWN … AND PUBLIC SERVICES In great contrast to the early period of its growth, when ancient custom became established by prescription, the town government of Wilton was, from the 16th century onwards, constantly …
A History of the County of Wiltshire
Wilton Parliamentary representation PARLIAMENTARY … Two burgesses represented Wilton at the Parliament of 1295 and from thence onwards, almost without a break, the … by two members until 1832. 1 In 1832 the number of representatives was reduced to one, but Wilton was not …
A History of the County of Wiltshire
Wilton Schools and charities SCHOOLS The Free School was founded with a bequest of 600 to the rector and churchwardens as trustees from Walter Dyer, of Chancery Lane, London, by his will dated 1706. A …
A History of the County of Wiltshire
Wilton Seals, insignia and borough officers THE SEALS, INSIGNIA, AND OFFICERS OF THE BOROUGH Nothing is known of any seal used by the Guild Merchant, but the emergence of
Displaying 25081 - 25090 of 25196