
Displaying 25571 - 25580 of 25645
A History of the County of Cambridge and the Isle of Ely
… Cheveley. 58 Archbishop Stigand later held it as lessee or custodian of the abbey, and on his death in 1072 it was … sold Ditton Camoys in 1393 to William Rickhill 77 (d. 1407 or 1408), whose son John was in possession in 1412 78 and … Note Bk. ed. Maitland, iii, p. 272. Fams. traced from collection of transcripts of earls' charters in possession of …
The Environs of London
… there, in 1420 10. Whether this was another manor, or whether the Hickmans held under the Abbey of Waltham, I am … resided in this parish 49; James Greenwood, author of a collection of poems, called the Virgin Muse, and some … Salisbury. Several of this kind occur. There was a second collection for Bridgenorth in 1663, when 9s. 11d. was …
A History of the County of Essex
… The girls school of industry was probably absorbed a year or two before 1820, 6 when a building for the National school … 1922 many have proceeded to public schools on scholarships or through the common entrance examination. Archbishop … land, the rent from which was to be given to the poor. In or before 1645 this money, with another 100 belonging to the …
A History of the County of Essex
… were recorded. 82 By 1766 there were only two or three families of Presbyterians and some of those attended … society seems to have been founded in the 1830s. In or soon after 1837 this took over the old Congregational … at Enfield (Mdx.). 109 This was clearly identical with, or a precursor of Woodford New Chapel, Mill Lane, which …
A Topographical Dictionary of England
… 269 inhabitants. This parish, also called Woodmanstone or Woodmansthorne, comprises by measurement 1553 acres, of … It comprises 2922 acres, of which 29 are common or waste. The living is a vicarage, valued in the king's … made several of the statutes enumerated by Lambard in his collection of AngloSaxon laws; and it was a favourite …
A History of the County of Sussex
… was a school for eight children, 48 and in 1819 eight or ten girls were instructed at the expense of the rector and …
A History of the County of Oxford
… closely involved in church administration. The proctors or chapelwardens accounted annually before the mayor, and the … in the portmoot, began as a record of the 'livelihood' or property of the chapel in 1461. 44 So close a relationship … malicious gossip about his family's contributions to the collection plate. 24 Bowles greatly increased the …
A History of the County of Oxford
… for only £4, which included market tolls and quitrents or 'landgable', small annual rents applied to the original … in the borough, of which 76 were described as tenements or parts thereof, 30 as messuages, and 33 as cottages; there … subdivisions of tenements, 16 stalls, 2 selds, 2 forges or smithies, 3 ovens or kilns ( furnum), 4 pigsties, and many …
A History of the County of Oxford
… a total of only c. 3 5 s., less than nearby Hanborough or any Oxfordshire market town except Eynsham. 72 In 1327 … to have been succeeded there by the mercer John Barnes (or Baron), ten times mayor in the early 16th century. … the dearth of grain named 29 residents with stocks of malt or grain for brewing and baking, and 17 were councillors. 32 …
A History of the County of Oxford
… declaring a 'play day' (holiday) should pay 2 s. 6 d. or 5 s. according to rank, which should be spent on books. 16 … in the mid 18th century the pupils in 1825 comprised 20 or 30 boys, chiefly sons of the 'most respectable' townsmen. … gave £50 to the corporation for the education of five sons or daughters of freemen, and £20 to provide them with blue …
Displaying 25571 - 25580 of 25645