
Displaying 261 - 270 of 510
Parliament Rolls of Medieval England
Parliament Rolls of Medieval England
… e kyngs enmys abovesaide, e which is ayeins al reson and conscience. And for as moche as he hath loste and … his right and action agayn e seide William, as lawe and reson wille. And at a lettre of prive seal here upon, be …
Parliament Rolls of Medieval England
Parliament Rolls of Medieval England
… thowe it be the lesse, wolle sturre at other partie be reson to falle unto hem, thair resones beyng herd, olesse …
Parliament Rolls of Medieval England
Parliament Rolls of Medieval England
Parliament Rolls of Medieval England
Parliament Rolls of Medieval England
… except such persones as clayme or conveye their titles by reson or colour of the seid act of atteyndre, or of eny … successours, or to the handes of you, sovereyne lorde, by reson of the seid acte or actes made ayens the said William …
Parliament Rolls of Medieval England
Parliament Rolls of Medieval England
Displaying 261 - 270 of 510