
Displaying 271 - 280 of 39642
Calendar of Patent Rolls, Edward II
… manors of Smetheton, co. Essex, Fynebergh, co. Suffolk, Long Compton (Magna Compton), co. Warwick, and Twyford, co. … the castle and manor of Montgomery, and the manor of Long Compton ( Magna Cumpton). II. Inspeximus and … to Edmund de Mortuo Mari and his heirs, and the manor of Long Compton granted to John de Mohun in exchange for lands …
Calendar of Patent Rolls, Edward II
… lands is to be paid to him by the earl or his heirs so long as the lands are in his hands. Witnesses:William Paynel, …
Calendar of Patent Rolls, Edward II
… church of Segeford, co. Norfolk, and remained there for a long time, and Henry de Walpol, coroner for the county of …
Calendar of Patent Rolls, Edward II
… the office to him and to pay him the usual salary so long as he holds the office. Nov. 18. Windsor. Grant to Alice … time the heir will be of full age, if he shall live so long, together with the marriage of the heir to the value of … Mareys, receiving for the custody of the manor, so long as he shall hold the same, 6 d. a day. By p.s. Nov. 28. …
Calendar of Patent Rolls, Edward II
… of Iwardeby, in which they impounded and detained them so long that a great part perished of hunger, whilst they killed … Thomas knave de Holand, Peter parson of the church of Long Stanten and Roger his brother, Richard le Personescok of Long Stanton, Richard Smythissone, John de Ruston of …
Calendar of Patent Rolls, Edward II
… Ranulph de Ry, impounded them there and detained them so long that a great part of the cattle perished from hunger, … perished as well from being over-driven as from their long impounding. By K., on the information of Edmund de Malo … de Holand, Peter parson of the church of St. Michael, Long Stanton, and Roger his brother, Richard le Personescok …
Calendar of Patent Rolls, Edward II
… county and to lead them to London. The like for Robert Long of la Sele, to levy 20 archers in the same county. The … Eltham. Grant to Alexander de Clopton, king's yeoman, so long as he shall be engaged on the king's service, of 10 l. a … Dungoun' within the castle of Dover. He is to receive so long as he shall hold the office for his sustenance by the …
Calendar of Patent Rolls, Edward II
… her damosel and familiar, of a rent of 20 l. so long as they shall live, to be received yearly out of the … Stone and their fellows, merchants of Southampton, for a long time withdrawn themselves from the realm, have … and of Elizabeth his consort, countess of Holland, so long as the countess shall live, for the burgesses and …
Calendar of Patent Rolls, Edward II
… there in the county of Worcester, to hold in dower so long as she should live, with liberties, free customs, … By p.s. June 2. Newminster. Ralph de Monte Hermerii long before the death of Joan, countess of Gloucester and …
Calendar of Patent Rolls, Edward II
… use on the demesne lands belonging to the said castles so long as the said Robert de Malo Lacu shall hold them, but … custody the king has granted to the chapter to hold so long as the see shall be void. July 26. Westminster. Grant to … house through the assistance and advice of the keeper. So long as the priory shall be in the custody of John de Hothum, …
Displaying 271 - 280 of 39642