
Displaying 2711 - 2720 of 2768
Calendar of State Papers Relating to English Affairs in the Archives of Venice
… retired in good order from the trenches of Dosso to the Ponte di Ganda which they fortified. Papenein says he will do …
Calendar of State Papers Relating to English Affairs in the Archives of Venice
… parts, of the Five Savii alla Mercanzia and of Antonio da Ponte, who was Proveditore General there, and they are mostly …
Calendar of State Papers Relating to English Affairs in the Archives of Venice
… war on us, for we are informed that in the direction of Ponte Corvo and of Tagliacozzo they have crossed into our … invading and plundering our territory in the direction of Ponte Corbo and Tagliacozzo, have made war, or whether we are …
Calendar of State Papers Relating to English Affairs in the Archives of Venice
… the Pope announced the arrival of the Duke of Alva at Ponte Corvo, the stripping of the company of Trentasette, and …
Calendar of State Papers Relating to English Affairs in the Archives of Venice
… which is unable to stand battery; and then encamp at Ponte Molle, obtaining victuals from the Papal territory …
Calendar of State Papers Relating to English Affairs in the Archives of Venice
… so many conveniences. The army is encamped ( allogia) at Ponte Lucano, near Tivoli, on the river Anieno, now called … walls and the gate. Aurelio Fregoso was sent out, and at Ponte Mamolo, which crosses the Teverone, at no great …
Calendar of State Papers Relating to English Affairs in the Archives of Venice
… place surrendered themselves. The Duke of Alva is at Ponte Corvo. The Urbino troops are now marching out of Rome, …
Calendar of State Papers Relating to English Affairs in the Archives of Venice
… is submerged ( affondato); many bridge piles ( sussi di ponte) have been rent by the sheer force of the torrent; and …
Calendar of State Papers Relating to English Affairs in the Archives of Venice
Calendar of State Papers Relating to English Affairs in the Archives of Venice
… henceforth indifferently by all. Carlo Buzini. Alvise da Ponte. Giovanni Francesco Sagredo. [ Italian.] Sept. 4. …
Displaying 2711 - 2720 of 2768