
Displaying 281 - 290 of 402
Calendar of Treasury Books
… 500. Kincaid, Michael, pensioner on the Civil List, 541. Kincardine, co. Ross, land and tenantry of, charter of, 482. …
Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House
Calendar of State Papers, Scotland
… Elizabeth to stay warrant for Mary's execution, 323; 347. Kincardine: 630; 631. King, Andrew: spoiled, 513. Kinghorn: …
Calendar of Border Papers
… p. 45. Jo.: bowman, p. 50. Wil.: bowman, p. 45. Kencarne (Kincardine), north side of Forth: Lord Seton and Fernihurst …
Calendar of Treasury Books
… feuar of, 60. Kilwining, co. Ayr, lordship of, 60. Kincardine, county of, sheriff of, rents payable by, 64. Kincardine, Earl of. See Bruce, A. King, , Paymaster of Lord …
Calendar of Close Rolls, Edward I
… Kimpton [co. Hertford], Bibsworth, Bybesworth in, 197. Kincardine, letters close dated at, 104. Kineton, Kynton, co. …
Calendar of State Papers, Scotland
… Laird of. See Livingstone. Kilthill, baron called: 99. Kincardine, proclamation for levying forces of; 311; barons …
Calendar of State Papers, Scotland
… home of Lord Boyd, 715. Kilravock (Kilrawak): 117. Kincardine: Earl of Montrose's house there, 202; meeting to …
Calendar of State Papers, Scotland
… for Morton, 296; son of, 381; at the Convention, 545. Kincardine: Morton at, 197; (Kintarne) Montrose's chiefest … letter dated at (15th July 1580), 463. Kintarne: See Kincardine. Kintyre, the Lady of: See Campbell, Lady Agnes. …
Calendar of State Papers, Scotland
… to the horn, &c., 454; (Kelwyng), 459; slain, 532; 604. Kincardine, Parson of. See Wetherspum King, Allen: to Sir …
Displaying 281 - 290 of 402