
Displaying 2971 - 2980 of 3014
Calendar of Treasury Books
… as above. James Talbott as waiter & searcher at Milton in Feversham port loco Francis Rumney deceased. John Close as an …
Calendar of State Papers Domestic: Interregnum
… Ireland 219 " " " Fishermen of Stroud, Gillingham, Milton, Feversham, and Whitstable. Not to take any oysters out of any …
Calendar of Treasury Books
… same. Earl of Albemarle the like as late same. Earl of Feversham the like for 250 l. imprested to him for buying of …
Calendar of Treasury Books
… Montagu 6950 ounces as late Ambassador to France. Earl of Feversham 1008 ounces as Lord Chamberlain to the Queen … 386. Same to Phillip Ryley of the petition of the Earl of Feversham et al in behalf of the Queen Dowager for the repair …
Calendar of Treasury Books
… the petition of Philip Gower for a landwaiter's place at Feversham. Ibid. Oct. 28. Money warrant for 462 l. 10 s. 0 d. …
Calendar of Treasury Books
… desired delay till Saturday when she expects the Earl of Feversham in town, alleging that her possession is under the …
Calendar of Treasury Books
… of State 2433 Sir Thomas Williams, chymist 347 Earl of Feversham 1008 The [King's] Apothecary 823 3. King's Warrant … 1687 April 26 the premises are vested in Lewis, Earl of Feversham [similarly in trust] for the remainder of the said … ut supra and were transferred 1687 April 6 to the Earl of Feversham ut supra. (c) Surveyor General's ratal of the …
Calendar of Treasury Books
… 312 l. 2 s. 9 d.; Grays and Horndon, 65 l. 4 s. 6 d.; Feversham, 112 l. 17 s. 11 d. Money Book XIV, p. 304. Same to …
Calendar of Treasury Books
… Sir Joseph Williamson, Secretary of State 2433 Earl of Feversham 1008 Ibid., p. 317. July 30. William Lowndes to the …
Calendar of State Papers Domestic: Interregnum
… 169 " " " Ordnance officers To furnish the Rebecca of Feversham, hired for six months to attend the General of the …
Displaying 2971 - 2980 of 3014