
Displaying 3291 - 3300 of 36364
Calendar of Border Papers
Calendar of Border Papers
… had travelled with the opposite Commissioners in every particular head, member, and reason therein, except one or …
Calendar of Border Papers
… to be tymly consyderd, and [in] the dyschardge of my particular deuty, moved hym that the same may be reported to …
Calendar of Border Papers
Calendar of Border Papers
Calendar of Border Papers
… the dayes of truce in calling for redresse of his own particular losses, and neglected hir Majesties tenauntes and … order taken. SecondFor "pettye stouthes," he saith every particular bill must be redressed by three things viz., "by …
Calendar of Border Papers
… in all lesum maneir to your estat and to your self in particular, as ye may understand moir cleirly by the … your soverane lady, to hir estat and to yourself in particular. My request is (so it be your plesour) that my … I haif interprysit hathe nocht bein be me allone for my particular attemptit, bot the same wes settellit and …
Calendar of Border Papers
… have disordered the whole Border, your lordship's in particular: as intermarrying with the Scots; Englishmen …
Calendar of Border Papers
… and am sure the surveyor will show your lordship each particular decay, and could oversee under your directions. If …
Calendar of Border Papers
Displaying 3291 - 3300 of 36364