
Displaying 3681 - 3690 of 71798
Calendar of State Papers Colonial, America and West Indies
… to Richard Savage. Encloses extract from Governor Seymour's letter [June 23], proposing a method for preventing illegal … and better support. [ C.O. 153, 10. pp. 212216.] Nov. 13. St. Christophers. 192. Governor Parke to the Council of Trade … my Govermt. are dispersed; 'tis 20 leagues from Antigua to St. Christophers and some times for 3 or 4 months I can …
Calendar of State Papers Colonial, America and West Indies
… to the Queen. Recommend Francis Phips for the Council of St. Kitts in place of Col. Crisp, decd.; and Wm. Byam for the … millions of mony, which was occasioned by the brigantine's having our privateer's signall from a long boat she had … etc. Portuguese. p. [ C.O. 318, 3. No. 36.] Nov. 25. St. James's 205. Order of Queen in Council. The Board of …
Calendar of State Papers Colonial, America and West Indies
… for his lands [ see Oct. 18] lying in the parish of St. George, in Jamaica, his Lordship is ready to surrender to … consisting of about 8,000 acres lying in the parish of St. Mary's at a very considerable distance from the limits aforesaid, …
Calendar of State Papers Colonial, America and West Indies
… is an ancient right and privilege, etc. (2) By Mr. Gordon's Patent he is only appointed Provost Marshall General, which … and (without enclosures) 29, 13. pp. 96, 97.] Nov. 18. St. James's. 858. Order of Queen in Council. Repealing Act of … 18, 1709. This gives an account of what condition I found St. John's, which had been taken Dec. 21, 1708, by about 160 …
Calendar of State Papers Colonial, America and West Indies
… and the French settlements in Nova Scotia to your Majesty's obedience etc., has waited till now for a safe conveyance, … were plunder'd, and this warr before I came, Nevis and St. Christophers were taken; this and what else relates to … of State in the place of the Earl of Sunderland, Mr. St. John in Mr. Boyle's place, the Duke of Shrewsbury in the …
Calendar of State Papers Colonial, America and West Indies
… it. [ C.O. 194, 4. No. 141; and 195, 5. p. 151.] Nov. 21. St. James's. 502. H.M. Warrant to Governor Hunter, as to patenting … Ro. Hunter. 1 pp. [ C.O. 5, 1091. No. 31.] Nov. 27. St. James's. 513. The Queen to Governor Hunter. Warrant for …
Calendar of State Papers Colonial, America and West Indies
… 1710, to dock the intail of certain lands in the Parish of St. Philip etc., and to vest the same in Benjamin Chapman, … 374; and ( autograph signatures) 137, 46. No. 2.] Nov. 5. St. Johns. 153. Lt. Governor Collin to the Board of Ordnance. … and Lt. Worthington and some others who were General Parke's friends and assisted him when the assault was made, were …
Calendar of State Papers Colonial, America and West Indies
… and his false suggestions (in order to make void Vernon's purchase) prevail upon the Assembly in April, 1707, of … knowledge of the coast, but more particularly of the River St. Laurence, and where the difficultys were, and the … so ly of it to let the fleet know when to steer away for St. Pauls, and proposed to fire a gunn every two minutes, as …
Calendar of State Papers Colonial, America and West Indies
… no grounds, and a very little handle well managed by one's enimys, is enough to ruin so inconsiderable and freindless … transporting and setling 'em here. Mr. Robert Cuningham of St. Christopher's has threaten'd to complain of me to your … than any of the others, and is in possession of Mr. Anthony Swimer, who married ye mother of Mrs. Kuping, and by …
Calendar of State Papers Colonial, America and West Indies
… a Peace. Their number is such that, considering our people's disposition to warlike undertakings, they cannot be … Woollford, Henry Ennalls, Gouertt Loockerman, D. Mariarte, St. Codd. Robt. Tyler, Sam. Worthington, Jno. Mackall, … v. No. 513 ii. [ C.O. 5, 751. Nos. 85, 85 i.] Nov. 24. St. James's. 505. R. Shelton to Lt. Govr. Spotswood. The …
Displaying 3681 - 3690 of 71798