
Displaying 471 - 480 of 2080
Calendar of Close Rolls, Edward II
… [ Ibid.] John de Torryngg', parson of the church of Acton Burnel, acknowledges that he owes to Robert de Emeldon, …
Calendar of Close Rolls, Edward II
… of the ordinance lately made that the statute of Acton Burnel should only have place between merchant and merchant …
Calendar of Close Rolls, Edward II
… king in chief by knight service, granted to them by Edward Burnel by the king's licence, which they ought to hold by the …
Calendar of Close Rolls, Edward II
… Cantokishevede, William de Cornubia, John Daumarle, John Burnel, Hugh de Chaumbernoun, Oliver de Chaumbernoun, Richard …
Calendar of Close Rolls, Edward II
… 10 s. of rent in the same town acquired from Walter Burnel three years before the publication; 7 s. of rent in …
Calendar of Close Rolls, Edward II
… II March 1310 March 1310 March 1. Westminster. Edward Burnel acknowledges that he owes to William de Westhale, …
Calendar of Close Rolls, Edward II
… that he owes to the executors of the will of Robert Burnel, late bishop of Bath and Wells, 30 s.; to be levied, …
Calendar of Close Rolls, Edward II
… escheator this side Trent. Order not to distrain Richard Burnel for homage for the lands that he holds of the king, …
Calendar of Close Rolls, Edward II
Calendar of Close Rolls, Edward II
… by the serjeanty of being his despenser, and that Philip Burnel, nephew ( nepos) and heir of Robert Burnel, late bishop of Bath and Wells, held the same land, … Handlo, who married Matilda, sister and heiress of Edward Burnel, son and heir of the aforesaid Philip, and the said …
Displaying 471 - 480 of 2080