
Displaying 48821 - 48830 of 48864
Feet of Fines of the Tudor period [Yorks]
… Wakefeld, Gyldersom, Kirkheton, and Little Smeton, and 50 messuages and 6 mills with lands in the same and in …
Feet of Fines of the Tudor period [Yorks]
… Glenne and Johanna his wife Manors of Thwyng and Octon and 50 messuages with lands in the same, and in Swathorp, Kyllom, …
Feet of Fines of the Tudor period [Yorks]
… Cundall, Letby, Givton, and Kyrkby on the Hill, and 50 meassuages and 3 watermills, with lands in the same and in … Cundall, Letby, Gyvton, and Kyrkby on the hill, and 50 messuages and 3 mills with lands in the same and in Ledes, … Hennage, esq. Manors of Austewyke and Lokelandhall and 50 messuages and a mill with lands in the same. Thomas …
Feet of Fines of the Tudor period [Yorks]
… Roger Amyas Manors of Nether Shytlyngton and Ossett and 50 messuages with lands there and in Wakefeld, Pountfret, …
Feet of Fines of the Tudor period [Yorks]
… Roke John Norton and John Ode Messuage with lands in Old Barnesley. Christopher Marsden Richard Rokys de Idyll and …
Feet of Fines of the Tudor period [Yorks]
… Yorkshire Fines 1546-50 154650 15456 HILARY TERM, 37 HENRY VIII. Henry Bradshawe, … with lands there and in Owsthorpe, Tolthorpe, Fymbre, Old Byland, Howlym, and Lowthorpe. Richard Maners, kt., and … Thorneton in Craven, Turneham Hall, and Howseham, and 50 messuages with lands in the same. After a term of one …
Feet of Fines of the Tudor period [Yorks]
… Dorothy his wife Manor of Gaiteforde and 60 messuages and 50 cottages with lands in Gaiteford, Selbye, Lounde, Bretton … esq., and Thomas Wattys, esq. Manor of Lytton and 50 messuages and 30 cottages with lands in Lytton, … Sowterhowse, Stephynsonhowse, Rawroide, Snapeboyth, Old Towne, and Rawholme, a portion of which Hugh More, …
Feet of Fines of the Tudor period [Yorks]
… his wife 2 messuages and 4 shops with lands in New Malton, Old Malton, Sutton, and Norton. Robert Lune and Richard Lune …
Feet of Fines of the Tudor period [Yorks]
… Ake als. Lockyngton, Thornton, Sledmere, and Ferby, and 50 messuages and 20 mills with lands there. Humphry Drake … same Mary Tunstall Manors of Scargill and Sadleworthe and 50 messuages, a watermill, and a fulling mill with lands …
Feet of Fines of the Tudor period [Yorks]
… Manors of Swyne, Catwyke, and Hattefeld, and 30 messuages, 50 cottages, and 3 mills with lands there and in Carleton and …
Displaying 48821 - 48830 of 48864