
Displaying 4961 - 4970 of 7125
Calendar of State Papers Colonial, America and West Indies
… Index B B Baas, Mons. de, Governor of Martinique, p. 334. Babb, John, 624. Baber, John, Secretary of Jamaica, 15 III. Bachelor's Delight, ship, 951. Bacon, … 397, 417. Bostock, Captain, p. 636. -, Thomas, 147 V. BOSTON, 61, 94, 155, 158, 211, 230, 235, 241, 250, 273, 301, …
Calendar of State Papers Colonial, America and West Indies
… in Virginia (1676), p. 649. Bagilholt, Jeffery, Mayor of Barnstaple, documents signed by, 436. BAHAMA ISLANDS, the, p. 54, 695, 710, 753, 855, 1059. -, proprietors of, 326, 331, 373, 388, 389, 432, 433, 542, 582, 588, 643, … 1059, 1082. -, letter from, 1095. Bostock, J., 1313 I. BOSTON, 536 X., XII., 649, 683, 694, 775, 955, 974, 1001, …
Calendar of State Papers Colonial, America and West Indies
… and see Lucaos Islands; PROVIDENCE. -, Lieut.-Governor of, 100, 120, 289, 378, 547, 724, p. 173; and see Trott, … XXIII. -, Richard, junr., document signed by, 999 XXIII. Betty, galley, 222. Betty, sloop, 865. Betty, H.M. ship, 335, … 760, 1029. -,-, letters from, 798, 1146. -, Thomas, 174. BOSTON, 55 I., 110, 139, 139 I., 142, 160, 162, 184, 184 I., …
Calendar of State Papers Colonial, America and West Indies
… and see Lucaos Islands: Providence. -, Lieut.-Governor of, 655, 685 III., p. 368; and see Haskett, Elias; Trott, … Matthew; Webb, Nicholas. -, Lieut.-Governor and Council of, 964 II. -, Secretary of, 1113. -, Vice-Admiralty in. See … Bossah, van, 276. Bostock, N., 1168. -, Thomas, 525. Boston, 3 XI., 14, 16, 154, 155, 230, 273, 350, 389, 437, …
Calendar of State Papers Colonial, America and West Indies
… The, 798 XXXIV., p. 512, p. 519, 1965. -, Governor of. See Trott, Nicholas. -, Lords Proprietors of, viz.: Oraven, Earl of; Colleton, Sir Peter; Ashley, Lord. … Borrein, John, 1140. Boscawen, H., letter signed by, 2299. Boston, 410, 422 I., 1580. And see Massachusetts. Boswyok …
Calendar of State Papers Colonial, America and West Indies
… Richard, 842. BAHAMAS, p. 183, 680. -, proprietors of, 681. -,-, letters to, 1698:254, 310, 707. -, Admiralty … 669, 678 I., 723 VIII., 733 I., 830, p. 587. -, Governors of. See Russell, Francis, deceased; Grey, Ralph. -,-, letters … R. N., letters from, 407, 518 VIII., 760, 760 III. BOSTON, 48, 84, 108, 120, 149, 158, 159, 262, 302, 314, 462, …
Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Mary
… Index B B. Baboccia, 246. Bacharach, 190. -, meeting of German Princes at, 214. Baden, articles dated at, 156. … Giovanni Francesco da, 314. Baillon, John de, Treasurer of the Exchequer in France, 191. Bajazet, Sultan, younger son … Bossut, Compte de, see Hennin-Litard (d' Alsace), Jean de. Boston, 61. Bothwell, Earl of, see Hepburn, Patrick. …
Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth
… 196 note, 255, 309 (2), 920 (2), 937, 1005. Baden, Marquis of, 9 (3), 194 (1), 585 (3), 753 (2). Badouero, Frederico, … 538 (7), 539 (3), 595 (9), 659 (22) Bamberg, Bishop of, 778 (5). Bamborough, 439 (2), 1072. -, Thomas, 419 (1). … (4), 981 (1, 10). Borthwick, Lord, 16, 488 note, 802 (2). Boston, 229 (1), 238 (1), 324 (2). Bothwell, James Hebburn, …
Calendar of State Papers Colonial, America and West Indies
… Index B B Bacon, , Collector, N.H., 95. -,-, accounts of, 661. -, Butts, Clerk of Naval Office, N.H., death of, 58. -, Devereux, Clerk ofof, 273, 443. -,-,-, opinion by, 509, 509 xv. Blin, a Boston trader, 789. Bloss (Roderegoes), Commander of Spanish …
Calendar of State Papers Colonial, America and West Indies
… 439 iv. -, Act for better governing slaves, criticism of, 71 i. -, Act for levying divers sums to defray the expenses of the islands, objection to, 71 i. -, Acts of (12), … of, report upon, 338. Bonnet, Lewis, letter from, 46. Boston, Church plate for, brought by Gov. Belcher, 291 p. …
Displaying 4961 - 4970 of 7125