
Displaying 51 - 60 of 5872
Westminster Abbey Charters, 1066 - c.1214
… N. Moore, History of St Bartholomew's Hospital, I (1918) Morris, 'Sheriffs of Henry I' W. A. Morris, 'The Sheriffs and the Administrative System of Henry …
A History of the County of Shropshire
… Marsh gate to Ashfield and Cockshutford. In the Whitsun morris dancing at Clee St. Margaret in 1619 the 'carpet' from …
A History of the County of Gloucester
… xliv, 1572 visit. f. 5; xcv, 1703. Glos. R.O., P 1/VE 2/1; Morris's Dir. Glos. (1867), 427. Glos. R.O., P 1/CW 2/1; …
St Martin-in-the-Fields
… the same Daye for the herse Clothe at the buryall of Ellyn morris ij d It' R' the xvij Daye of Septemb' for the herse … ogle vj d pIt' R' the xviij Daye for the buryall of Annes Morris 37 n'l It' R' the same Daye for the black Clothe that … n'l It' R' the xxiij th Daye at the buryall of Robert Morris n'l It' R' the xxv th Daye of September for the herse …
St Martin-in-the-Fields
… R.) Birde ( R.) Joh'es Anderley ( R.) Not in the Register. Morris wife of Robert. vide note, p. 99. Laughlen ( R.) …
St Martin-in-the-Fields
… It'm Rec' the vij th of September for the buriall of John Morris a Chrisome childe nic'. It'm Rec' the viij th of September for the buriall of M rs Jane Morris in the Churche ix s. pIt'm Rec' the xxiiij th of … Rec' the xxvij th of June for the buriall of olde father Morrice the Cobler ij d It'm Rec' the xxix th of June for the …
St Martin-in-the-Fields
… day Quarter. Item paid the xviij th day of Aprill fo r iij Morris pickes 16 viij s vj d It'm paid fo r heddinge of a morris picke iiij d It'm paid the same day fo r gonnepowder … payments is recorded on p. 304, Lady Day Quarter, 1578. Morris-pike, a large pike ( Halliwell). A favourite place for …
St Martin-in-the-Fields
… that died in y e feild ni'll It'm the xxij th was b: Morris Mackwill'ms. m'garet Morris. Thomas mackemorris & Sheven mackmorris of w ch iiij … peales viij d viij s vj d It'm y e xxiiij th was bur. Ruth morrice & y e xxvj th a Chrisome ni'll It'm y e xxix th was b …
St Martin-in-the-Fields
… william Randall ni'l It'm y e ix th was buried Susan Morris ni'l p It'm y e same Day was buried Isabell [ blank] …
Displaying 51 - 60 of 5872