
Displaying 55611 - 55620 of 55664
Feet of Fines of the Tudor period [Yorks]
… of Huntyngdon, and Katherine his wife Manor of Sutton and 20 messuages with lands there, which, on the death of the, … Ld. Darcy, and Dorothea his wife Manor of Notton and 20 messuages and 20 cottages with lands in Notton, Chete, Wolley, Brereley, …
Feet of Fines of the Tudor period [Yorks]
… esq. Manors of Sutton, Stonefferry, and Sutcoytts, and 20 messuages and 10 cottages with lands there and in Drypole, … his son and heir apparent Manor of little Fencote and 20 messuages and 12 cottages with lands there and in … Thornton, Sledmere, and Ferby, and 50 messuages and 20 mills with lands there. Humphry Drake George Foxcrofte and …
Feet of Fines of the Tudor period [Yorks]
… of one month, remain to John Sayvell, gent., for a term of 20 years next following, at an annual rent of 2 pennies. … Gyrlington, junr., gent. Manor of Hoton Longvyllers and 20 messuages with lands there. John Parker Marmaduke Rayner … Gower), gent. William Metham, gent. Manor of Melsanby and 20 messuages and a watermill with lands there. Richard …
Feet of Fines of the Tudor period [Yorks]
… Alborough and Hylston, and of 30 messuages, 3 windmills, 20 cottages with lands and 3 several fisheries there; also … and Stansfelde, and 1,120 messuages, 406 cottages, 20 watermills, 20 fulling mills, and 6 windmills with lands there and in …
Feet of Fines of the Tudor period [Yorks]
… Burne, Mensthorpe, and Cawlthorne, and 60 messuages, 20 cottages, 2 watermills, and 2 windmills with lands there … Barbara his wife Manor of Sherecliff and 50 messuages and 20 cottages with lands in Sherecliff, Crux, Butterthwayte, … and Lady Katherine his wife Manor of Kirkby Knowle and 20 messuages and 6 cottages with lands there and in West …
Feet of Fines of the Tudor period [Yorks]
… Metcalf, kt. Manor of Clothern als. Clotheram and 20 messuages and 2 mills with lands in Rippon. William Hoyll … and Margaret wife of Robert. Manor of Westheslarton and 20 messuages and 8 cottages with lands there and in … Lockyngton, Hutton, and Cranswyke, and 60 messuages, 20 cottages, 2 windmills, and 2 watermills with lands in the …
Feet of Fines of the Tudor period [Yorks]
… and Johanna his wife The eighth part of 40 messuages, 20 cottages, a watermill, and a Windmill with lands in … Manors of Billesdale, Kirkham, Skiplome, and Ryvalx, and 20 messuages and 20 cottages with lands there and in Helmesley. Edward …
Feet of Fines of the Tudor period [Yorks]
… and the moiety of 200 messuages, 300 cottages, and 20 mills with lands there. George Dakyns, senr., esq., and … Isabel his wife Manor of Thirkelbye als. Thurkelbye and 20 messuages and 15 cottages with lands in the same and in … of the manors of Sutton and Sutcotts als. Sudcotts, and of 20 messuages and 14 cottages with lands in the same and in …
Feet of Fines of the Tudor period [Yorks]
… and the third part of messuages, 1000 cottages, and 20 mills with lands in the same and in Hackfourth, Thorneton … kt., Lord Scroope Manors of Edlington and Staynton and 20 messuages, 16 cottages, and 2 mills with lands in the … Edward Malyverer, kt. Manors of Herneclyff and Dele and 20 messuages and 10 cottages with lands in the same. Arthur …
Feet of Fines of the Tudor period [Yorks]
… Warr. (Warwick) Thomas Fairfax, esq., and Dorothy his wife 20 messuages and 10 cottages with lands in Hornyngton. * … William Tankerd, esq. Manors of Hallykeld and Potto and 20 messuages and 10 cottages with lands in the same. John … gent. Manor of Westhall, Ferehowse, and Underwaye, and 20 messuages with lands in Wentworthe, Wathe, Brampton, …
Displaying 55611 - 55620 of 55664