
Displaying 56001 - 56010 of 56084
Charters and Documents relating to the City of Glasgow 1175-1649
… trade and merchandise in Argyle and Lennox, etc. Edinburgh Castle, 11 January 12423. [Latin text] Alexander Dei gracia … Philip of Maleuill justiciar of Scotland. At Maiden Castle, the 11th day of January, in the year of the reign of …
Charters and Documents relating to the City of Glasgow 1175-1649
… gold, shall be effectual to them, without repeating of any new Sasine, for ever. To have and to hold all and whole the …
Charters and Documents relating to the City of Glasgow 1175-1649
… mak the haill richtis, evidentis, and securiteis, auld and new, quhilkis he hes or can acqueir of and concerning the …
Charters and Documents relating to the City of Glasgow 1175-1649
… said formair gift: And Forder, the saidis lordis hes of new gevin and grantit, and, be the tennoure heirof, gevis and …
Charters and Documents relating to the City of Glasgow 1175-1649
… and returning from Argyle with their merchandise. Maiden Castle, Edinburgh, 18 June 1275. Charter granted be King Alexander [the third], dated at the Maiden Castle, the eighteenth day of June, and of the said King …
Charters and Documents relating to the City of Glasgow 1175-1649
… for chaplains to serve in time to come for ever within the new church of St Roche founded within the territory of the …
Charters and Documents relating to the City of Glasgow 1175-1649
… XLVI Appointment of patrons of seven chaplainries in the New Church, St Tenu's Street (1529) XLVI. Instrument by which … of the Burgh, patrons of seven chaplainries in the New Church in St Enoch's Wynd. Glasgow, 1 May 1529. [Latin … to be founded by the said master James in the New Church founded and built in St Thenew's Wynd of the City …
Charters and Documents relating to the City of Glasgow 1175-1649
… granting land in the Gallowmure to the chaplainries in the New Church (1529) XLVII. Charter by the Provost, Bailies, … mother, and to Master James Houston, the founder of the New Church in St Enoch's Wynd, and the eight chaplains … James Houstoun, subdean of the Church of Glasgow, in his new Church of the foresaid Saints Mary and Ann, from the …
Charters and Documents relating to the City of Glasgow 1175-1649
… with the necessaries of life of the chaplains in the new Church of Saints Mary and Ann foresaid, dedicated by the …
Charters and Documents relating to the City of Glasgow 1175-1649
… [which wes King Alexander the 3d] dated at the Maiden Castle the eighteenth day of June, and of the said King …
Displaying 56001 - 56010 of 56084