
Displaying 59151 - 59152 of 59152
A History of the County of Somerset
… Zoology Molluscs and Insects ZOOLOGY MOLLUSCS NON-MARINE Favoured in its … Vertigo substriata is a mistaken identification of Miller's record of Turbo sexdentatus which is Vertigo antivertigo, … L. When authorities differ so considerably, what is a poor student to do? The moth is not common, but has been …
A History of the County of Somerset
… the county of the species recorded in the subjoined list, and add a few species to it. Two or three species not yet … the body. 4. Pisaura mirabilis (Clerck). Bristol (F. P. S.). Very common; adult in June and July. Known also as … (R. I. P.). 7. Pardosa amentata (Clerck). Bristol (F. P. S.). AGELENID Spiders with eight eyes, situated in two …
Displaying 59151 - 59152 of 59152