
Displaying 6231 - 6240 of 6323
Statutes of the Realm
… John Devinck Richard Scott David Prole Thomas Crandall Phillip Bickly John Paris Richard Harrison John Bustfield …
Statutes of the Realm
… Alderman Harwood Thomas Hoard Henry Dew John Fincher Phillip Weston Robert Leigh Richard Brickenden John Blandie … Cotton John Willis John Bennet John Cutts Devereux Martin Phillip Cotton William Russell Granado Pigott Edward … Sir Peter Killigrew Sir Nicholas Slanwen Sir John S t Awbin Sir William Morice Baronets Sir Joseph Tredenham …
Statutes of the Realm
… notwithstanding IX. Exception of King Charles the First's Murderers excepted by 12 Car. II. c. 11. and the Two … Edward Morgan Obadiah Walker Robert Brent Richard Grajam Phillip Burton Robert Lundy Mathew Crone And alsoe excepted … and Statutes of this Realme XII. Good against the King's Grantee. And Bee it further enacted by the authoritie …
Statutes of the Realm
… Hoard Nathan Knight Bartholomew Tipping John Fincher Phillip Weston John Edmonds Robert Leigh George Blagrave John … Knights John Willis John Bennett John Cutts Granado Pigott Phillip Cotton Devereux Martyn William Russell Edward … Henry Cornwall Herbert Westfailing Thomas Price Esq[uire]s Robert Simonds Thomas Paynard Abraham Seward Thomas …
Statutes of the Realm
… effect following Viz[one]t Form. I A B doe Sweare That J S was really and truely my Prisoner in my custodie without … Keeper of D. Prison in the County of C at the Suite of J. S. without my consent or procurement or by any fraud or … for the more speedy payment of his debts. An Act to enable Phillip Hildeyard Esq[uire] to sell Lands in Surrey and to …
William and Mary, 1691: An Act for Granting an Aid to Their Majesties of the Sum[m]e of Sixteene hundred fifty one thousand seven hundred and two pounds eighteen shillings towards the Carrying on a Vigorous Warre against France. [Chapter V. Rot. Parl, pt. 3.]
Statutes of the Realm
… Dayrell Knights John Wyllis John Bennett Granado Piggott Phillip Cotton Devereux Martin Francis Russell William … Dowman Thomas Folks John Challis Thomas Crudd Esq[uire]s Altham Smith Esq[uire] For the University and Towne of … Moyle Alexander Carew Samuell Langford Joseph Penhallo Phillip Mayow John Barrett of Killegreene Thomas Penhallow …
Statutes of the Realm
… present to Your Majesties a free gift of the several sum[m]s of money herein after specified Beseeching Your Majesties … Duke of Leinster and others. 25. An Act for the enabling Phillip Lord Stanhopp son and heir apparent of the Right Honourable Phillip Earle of Chesterfeild together with the said Earle to …
Statutes of the Realm
… given and granted unto your Majesties the Rates and Asse[s 1]ments hereafter menconed And were most humbly beseeche … Lawe Tregonwell Frampton John Eastmont John Fisher Edward S t Loe Robert Browne of Frampton Henry Devenish George Parry … Thomas Barnardiston Sir John Duke Sir Robert Brooke Sir Phillip Parker Sir Samuell Barnardiston Sir Francis Masham …
William and Mary, 1694: An Act for granting to his Majestie an Aide of Four shillings in the Pound for One Yeare and for applying the yearely summe of [£300,000] for Five yeares out of the Dutyes of Tunnage and Poundage and other summes of money payable upon Merchandizes exported and imported for carrying on the Warr against France with vigour [Chapter III Rot. Parl. pt. 2.]
Statutes of the Realm
… Sir Orlando Gee Sir William Pritchard Sir Cesar Wood al[ia]s Cranmer Knights John Hampden Edmond Waller Richard Beake … of Penrose William Scawen Richard Remphry Henry Remphry Phillip Hawkins Dennis Glin John Verman Richard Herd John … George Merritt William Dowse Thomas Harris Edward Audley Phillip Soper Gentlemen:- For the County of Kent:- Thomas …
Statutes of the Realm
… or grant to Sir Charles Hara Knight John Stanyon Esq[uire] Phillip Neve Esq[uire] and John Lillye Gen' and all other the … the rent reserved upon the said lease XXVI. Proviso for S. Hutchinson, he paying a Share in the Convex Lights. …
Displaying 6231 - 6240 of 6323