
Displaying 62681 - 62683 of 62683
A History of the County of Somerset
… Zoology Fishes, Reptiles, Birds, Mammals FISHES The fishes of Somerset have received a good deal of attention from thethe error of Yarrell, the first name should be intended for the next species, which undoubtedly occurs in the Bristol …
A History of the County of Somerset
… ZOOLOGY MOLLUSCS NON-MARINE Favoured in its situation and the quality of its soil, the county of Somerset yields a record of inland … abundance of individuals. Out of the 139 species recorded for the British Islands no less than 112 have been found in …
A History of the County of Somerset
… further search will do much more than extend our knowledge of the distribution throughout the county of the species … Setting aside the last-named, about which there is room for doubt, it is safe to prophesy that the species here …
Displaying 62681 - 62683 of 62683