
Displaying 62741 - 62750 of 64537
Calendar of Treasury Books
Calendar of Treasury Books
Calendar of Treasury Books
… Surveyor General of Crown Lands of the petition of Evan Williams, locksmith, shewing that John Lauze and Eleanor his … Surveyor General of Crown Lands of the petition of Penry Williams for a fresh term in the seven customary mills within …
Calendar of Treasury Books
… Richard Averie as riding officer at Padstow loco Nathaniel Williams, dismissed. Joseph Feild as Surveyor of Chichester …
Calendar of Treasury Books
Calendar of Treasury Books
Calendar of Treasury Books
Calendar of Treasury Books
… being entitled to said arrears by the will of Mrs. Abigail Williams to whom the said Visc t bequeathed it. Ibid., pp. …
Calendar of Treasury Books
Calendar of Treasury Books
Displaying 62741 - 62750 of 64537