
Displaying 6951 - 6960 of 7037
Statutes of the Realm
… and John Brigham Gent[leman] Simeon Harcourt Thomas Wheat Robert [Magott 112] Alexander Denton Edmond Goodier …
William and Mary, 1694: An Act for granting to his Majestie an Aide of Four shillings in the Pound for One Yeare and for applying the yearely summe of [£300,000] for Five yeares out of the Dutyes of Tunnage and Poundage and other summes of money payable upon Merchandizes exported and imported for carrying on the Warr against France with vigour [Chapter III Rot. Parl. pt. 2.]
Statutes of the Realm
Calendar of State Papers Domestic: William and Mary
… of that Castle; and that, moreover, vast quantities of wheat, malt, and other provisions and goods to the value of … in Ireland, and as the army there cannot be supplied with wheat bread, there is no choice but to depend upon biscuit. …
Calendar of State Papers Domestic: William and Mary
… an account from Ireland, that there is a great scarcity of wheat in and about Cork, desires you to direct 1,000 barrels of wheat to be sent from Bristol to Cork on the first …
Calendar of State Papers Domestic: William and Mary
… distemper. Those of Scotland have ordered 600 bolls of wheat for the present supply of our army there, and several …
Calendar of State Papers Domestic: William and Mary
… the Committee of Council "with what you write about the wheat and oats, that have been shipped, and the biscuit and … the two ships that are bound for Londonderry, laden with wheat, rye, and oats, desire to know what they shall do, they …
Displaying 6951 - 6960 of 7037