
Displaying 72821 - 72830 of 72923
Charters and Documents relating to the City of Glasgow 1175-1649
… XXI Charter of James II regarding erecting of Glasgow into a regality (1450) XXI. Charter by King James … the pertinents. In witness whereof we have commanded our great seal to be affixed to this our present charter. …
Charters and Documents relating to the City of Glasgow 1175-1649
… XXII Bull of Pope Nicholas V, founding the University (1451) XXII. Bull … V., ordaining a University to be founded in the City of Glasgow. Rome, 7 January 14501. [Latin text] Nicolaus … where the air is mild, victuals are plentiful, and great store of other things pertaining to the use of man is …
Charters and Documents relating to the City of Glasgow 1175-1649
… XXIV Letters of James II granting peace and protection to University of … the cherishing and promotion of the prosperous and happy state of our University of Glasgow, our dearly beloved … observed in all time to come for ever. Given under our great seal, at Stirling, the twentieth day of April, in the …
Charters and Documents relating to the City of Glasgow 1175-1649
… XXV Charter of Bishop of Glasgow granting various privileges to the University … our successors grant, that the provost, bailies and other officers of our foresaid city shall each year on their …
Charters and Documents relating to the City of Glasgow 1175-1649
… XXVII Foundation of Chaplaincy at the altar of St Kentigern (1460) XXVII. Foundation by Walter Stewart of … times warned by the lord bishop for the time being, or his officers, and shall not at once dismiss the same, eo ipso, …
Charters and Documents relating to the City of Glasgow 1175-1649
… XXX Letter of James III confirming Letter of Exemption, no. XXIV (1472) XXX. Letter by King James III., … examined, and found to be sound, whole, sealed with his great seal, and confirmed with his subscription manual, not …
Charters and Documents relating to the City of Glasgow 1175-1649
… XXXI Letter of James III charging the Bishops not to trouble the Rectors and others of the University (1472) XXXI. Letter by King James III. under his privy seal, charging the Bishops of the Kingdom not to trouble or molest the Rectors and …
Charters and Documents relating to the City of Glasgow 1175-1649
… XXXII Charter of James III confirming the City and Barony in free regality … the same city, a provost, bailies, sergeants and other officers, as often as it shall seem to him expedient, for the … and successors. In Witness Whereof we have commanded our great seal to be affixed to this present charter. Witnesses, …
Charters and Documents relating to the City of Glasgow 1175-1649
… XXXIV Ratification by James III of no.XXIX XXXIV. Abstract of Ratification by King James III. of the Decree of the Lords … this confirmatione, which is under the testimonie of the great seall, and dated at Edinburgh, the first day of
Charters and Documents relating to the City of Glasgow 1175-1649
… XXXVII Charter of James IV confirming the liberties of the Bishop (1490) … which we or our justiciars, wardens or any others our officers can exact or have for the time to come from any one … and successors. In Witness Whereof we have commanded our great seal to be affixed to our present charter. Witnesses, …
Displaying 72821 - 72830 of 72923