
Displaying 7351 - 7360 of 8724
Calendar of State Papers, Spain
… away from his own legitimate daughter the name and title of princess, as intimated in a former despatch, the King has lately been talking of removingand has actually begun to do soall the officers and servants of her princely household on the plea that they have …
Calendar of State Papers, Spain
… Simon Renard to the Emperor. (Extract.) Sire, in several of my former letters to your Majesty I mentioned that a … league was being negotiated between the Pope and the King of France, and that couriers and messengers were going to and fro daily to come to an arrangement and dispose of the difficulties that had arisen while preliminaries were …
Calendar of State Papers, Spain
… order to thank you most affectionately for your acceptance of the proposal made to you on my behalf by my ambassador … regard to your fair fame, I have called together several of my principal subjects of these countries to open the matter to them and choose …
Calendar of State Papers, Spain
… The Emperor to Simon Renard. We have received your letters of the 20th and 21st instant. We should have thought it would … have done much to hasten on negotiations, the authority of so solemn an embassy might have moved the Council to … although your letters do not say that the Queen approves of Paget's opinion, we feel certain that you would not have …
Calendar of State Papers, Spain
… 1525, 21-25 October 1525, 21-25 21 Oct. 235. The Duke of Sessa and Lope Hurtado [de Mendoa] to the Marquis of Pescara. M. Re. Ac. d. Hist. Salazar, A. 36. He (the Duke) … 18th instant, written the enclosed, to go by the estafette of Venice, but the post went off without it. Yesterday …
Calendar of State Papers, Spain
… Add. 28,581 f. 297. Wrote yesterday, enclosing the draft of the Papal brief, engaging these Italian potentates to … directed against the Lutherans, but to go in credence of the Nuncio he is about to send [to Germany], who will … Emperor, and place Christianity in greater danger. Affairs of Florence, and the expediency of removing the German …
Calendar of State Papers, Spain
… must have acquainted you with the Emperor's intention of attacking the Grand Turk, &c. [Relates the arrival at court of a gentleman 1 in waiting to the queen of France, and her proposal of intermarriages, the commission …
Calendar of State Papers, Spain
… 869, ff. 2012. M. Add. 28,593, f. 190. The mode and form of the proceedings which I, Andalot, propose instituting in order to ascertain the truth of Fath. Palavicino's deposition against Lope Hurtado, his wife, and other persons of Madame's household, is as follows: That Fath. Palavicino …
Calendar of State Papers, Spain
… October 1544, 610 October 1544, 610 6 Oct. 222. The Offers of France and the King of England's Answer. Wien, Imp. Arch. The offers which cardinal du Bellay, the first President [of the Parliament of] Rouen, Secretary de L'Aubespine, and …
Calendar of State Papers, Spain
… ship, as the goldsmith tells me. The French are making fun of the King's journey and return, saying he will have to go to Rome to be absolved of the oath he swore never to come gack before he had taken … A few days ago the Pope summoned to Rome the gentlemen of Piacenza who conspired, sending the writing of which I …
Displaying 7351 - 7360 of 8724