
Displaying 8201 - 8210 of 12040
London Debating Societies
… Person possessed of Sensibility, or he who is a Stranger to it?' Morning Herald 1061. January 5, 1786 … 'Would it not be for the interest of the community, to impose a tax on Old Batchelors, and give the produce … Mitre Tavern Society for Free Debate 'Is it proper for the British Parliament to permit the Heir Apparent's going into a …
London Debating Societies
… Westminster Forum, Spring Gardens 'Which is more painful to a Woman of Sensibility, to be obliged to marry the Man she dislikes, or debarred the … and an impeachment of the characteristic liberality of the British Empire?' Question, 'after a very animated debate, …
London Debating Societies
… a native softness and generosity of mind, being often led to give credit to maxims laid down by the other sex, upon the truth of which … FOX declare they are not afraid to trust his cause to a British audience.' Morning Chronicle January 16 1302. January …
London Debating Societies
… from DUELLING, demand the Interposition of the Legislature to abolish the Practice? Duelling is one of those Evils which arise from a Refinement of Manners. To investigate that fatal Rashness, which, through a mistaken … THE NATION It is the great, the invaluable Blessing of the British Constitution, that Englishmen enjoy the privileges to
London Debating Societies
… (possessed of mutual Affection but devoid of Fortune) to marry, trusting to Providence and their own Industry for Support - or to … maintaining that Influence they at present hold in the British Parliament?' Daily Advertiser January 5 1574. January …
London Debating Societies
… debates 1791 1710. January 3,1791 City Debates, returned to Cornhill, opposite the 'Change 'Which ought a Lady to prefer for a husband, the man whom she regards who … of the Protestant Religion, and with the Safety of the British Constitution?' Decided that the bill could safely be …
London Debating Societies
… Britain, from a principle of moral obligation and regard to their national character, to abstain from the consumption of West India produce till … from the charges of holding principles hostile to the British Constitution?' Daily Advertiser February 8 1832. …
London Debating Societies
… Tavern, Fleet Street 'Does NATURE or ART more contribute to form the perfect ORATOR? Twelve Gentlemen Students of the … Society for the discussion of Subjects that have a [claim] to public notice - the following Extracts from their … they are determined to support the Principles of the British Constitution, and never to countenance any Attempt to
London Debating Societies
… Catholicks or the Enthusiasm of the Methodists tended more to injure the general Interests of Religion? Religious … when conducted with Liberality and Candour, is peculiarly to the reasoning Powers of Man.' Daily Advertiser January 8 … and their Hope that the wise and virtuous Exertions of the British Parliament would speedily abolish in toto a Traffick …
London Debating Societies
… the blessings of a Free Constitution, principally indebted to King John, for signing Magna Carta, to Harry VIII, for freeing them from the dominion of the … the tax on Hair Powder (and its proposed substitute), Tea, British Spirits, &c. &c. will be most minutely examined …
Displaying 8201 - 8210 of 12040