
Displaying 82171 - 82174 of 82174
A History of the County of Somerset
… in 1869, and even so keen a naturalist as the Rev. M. A. Mathew could not add to this record in his Revised List … well repay careful investigation. To quote from the Rev. M. A. Mathew's Revised List mentioned above, ' we can still … [Firecrest. Regulus ignicapillus (Brehm). Mr. H. St. B. Goldsmith, formerly of Bridgwater, writes that a friend of …
A History of the County of Somerset
… near Bristol Succinea putris (Linn.) elegans, Risso. b. Basommatophora Carychium minimum, Mll. Melampus … Amara nitida, Sturm., a species then new to Britain ( E. M. M. xxii. 240), and the late Mr. Blatch found at Porlock, in …
Displaying 82171 - 82174 of 82174