
Displaying 8531 - 8540 of 8614
Statutes of the Realm
… to award Costs. Person ordered to pay Costs, living out of Jurisdiction, Justice of the County, &c. where such Person … Riding City or Towne Corporate or elsewhere out of the Jurisdiction of the said Court Itt shall and may be lawfull …
Statutes of the Realm
… residing within Three Miles. And whereas in the whole Jurisdiction of the Cinque-ports and their Towns and Members … Deputy-Mayor Bayliffe or Deputy Bayliffe within the said Jurisdiction of the Cinque-ports obtained in manner as …
Statutes of the Realm
… any Place or Places within the Liberties Precincts or Jurisdiction of the said Towne or Corporation of Colchester …
Statutes of the Realm
… of England or the Cinque-Ports exerciseing Admiralty Jurisdiction or upon any Attachment that shall be made out of …
Statutes of the Realm
… as they were before the alteration thereof XI. Proviso for Jurisdiction of Quarter Sessions, in respect of Bridges and …
Statutes of the Realm
… in any Part or Place of the said River Froome within the Jurisdiction of the said City may be removed abated and … extend to abridge diminish or limmitt any former or other Jurisdiction or Right into or upon the said Rivers of Avon …
William III, 1698-9: An Act for the Explanation and better Execution of former Acts made touching Watermen and Wherrymen rowing on the River of Thames and for the better ordering and governing the said Watermen Wherrymen and Lightermen upon the said River between Gravesend and Windsor. [Chapter XXI. Rot. Parl. 11 Gul. III.p.3.n. 12.]
Statutes of the Realm
Statutes of the Realm
… where the Admirall or Admiralls have Power Authority or Jurisdiction may be examined inquired of tryed heard and … or Marriner shall in any Place where the Admirall hath Jurisdiction betray his Trust and turne Pirate Enemy or … Expiration of the said Seaven Yeares and no longer XIV. Jurisdiction of Commissioners for Trial of Pirates under …
Statutes of the Realm
… of every Borough Towne Corporate Port or Place within his Jurisdiction to whom the Execution of such Precept doth …
Displaying 8531 - 8540 of 8614