
Displaying 911 - 920 of 1004
Historical Collections of Private Passages of State
… And all the Defendants, at several times, repaired to one Buxton's Grove, or Cove, and at one time brake open the Cove, … time they all came in forcibly and riotous manner to Buxton's Grove; and there by force offered to take away six …
A collection of the State Papers of John Thurloe
… was ingaged. Sir Harris Towensend a comon swearer. Mr. Buxton hath refused to act any thinge since the late king's …
A Topographical Dictionary of England
… of the county of Derby, 5 miles (S. E. by S.) from Buxton; containing 362 inhabitants. The Peak-Forest and …
An Inventory of the Historical Monuments in London
… John Colleton Priste (15814), Perne, 1567, etc.; (68) R. Buxton, 1555; (69) William Andros; (70) HC (?) TW., RG.; (71) … and shop, No. 27, at the W. angle of Spital Street and Buxton Street, Mile End New Town, is of three storeys with …
A Topographical Dictionary of England
… the direction of the Roman road leading southward to Buxton; to the north of the church is the site of the ancient … and in the same year an act was obtained for a railway to Buxton, Bakewell, Matlock, and Ambergate, there to join the …
London Inhabitants Outside the Walls, 1695
… BUXSTONE: John, gent; Elizabeth, w; Thomas, s, 98.70 BUXTON: George; Margret, w; Joseph, s, 103.38 BYARD: …
The Cromwell Association Online Directory of Parliamentarian Army Officers
… References: Spring, Waller’s army, 68. Armies: Surrey Buxton, Thomas Thomas Buxton Buxton was admitted to the Company of the Artillery Garden …
London Inhabitants within the Walls
… Jas, ser, 3.10 Jos, 58.3 Buxcomb Eliz, wid; Han, d, 52.4 Buxton John, ser, 24.6 Buy Wm, ser, 30.5 Buzelin Francis, …
The Cromwell Association Online Directory of Parliamentarian Army Officers
Survey of London: Volume 27, Spitalfields and Mile End New Town
Spitalfields is well known for the handsome silk-weavers' houses in and around Spital Square, Fournier Street and Elder Street, with their distinctive weavers' garret workshops. The greater part of this volume is devoted to a detailed account of these houses. The area's principle monument (Nicholas Hawksmoor's masterpiece, Christ Church, Spitalfields (1714-29)) is also studied in detail, and its complex building history explained, making use of the then recently discovered archives of the Commissioners for Building Fifty New Churches. In addition, the volume takes in the adjoining suburb of Mile End New Town, an area of eighteenth-century origin, largely rebuilt in the late nineteenth century, and at the time of writing undergoing extensive redevelopment for public housing. Spitalfields Market, and the well-known brewery of Truman, Hanbury, Buxton and Company, are also described.
Displaying 911 - 920 of 1004