
Displaying 9241 - 9250 of 35624
Calendar of Treasury Books
Calendar of Treasury Books
… John Holmes for repairing the lodge and two bridges in New Park in New Forest and 35 l. to Sir Robert Holmes as imprest … for repairing the lodge, outhouses and the bridges in New Park in New Forest. (Treasurer Danby's warrant accordingly, …
Calendar of Treasury Books
… garden, and situate in the parish of St. Stephen, Coleman Street, and now in the tenure of Edmd. Gilpin : and all the … in the Fields, co. Midd., on the South side of Pall Mall Street, between the said street on the North and the wall enclosing St. James's Park on the South, and a messuage or tenement and ground now …
Calendar of Treasury Books
… of 60 l. per an. as chief under keeper of St. James's Park, 25 l. for last Sept. 29 quarter on his allowance of 100 …
Calendar of Treasury Books
… on their respective salaries, viz., Gerard Andrews, Nicho. Park, John Marshal, Francis Roberts, Hugh Bantock, John Shaw, …
Calendar of Treasury Books
… administrators and assigns, the forest, chace and park called Lancaster Great Park or Ashdown Forest or Ashdown Chace in co. Sussex, and … he have notice at Monsieur Frontine's house in Buckingham Street in York Buildings. Caveat Book, p. 36. Warrant from …
Calendar of Treasury Books
Calendar of Treasury Books
… several new buildings lately erected between St. James's Park and the said house, and [also of and in] one other … of John Collop, called the Antelope in St. James's Street; all lying near St. James's, in the parish of St. … (except only the piece of ground lying between St. James's Park and the said mansion house, which is in the immediate …
Calendar of Treasury Books
… the Exchequer; Sir Edwd. Atkins, William Gregory and Tho. Street, esqrs., Barons of the Exchequer. Ibid, p. 198. … to convey water from the Thames to Windsor Castle and Park. The offal to be sold and an account thereof rendered to …
Calendar of Treasury Books
… to open at the Countess of Soissons' house in St. James's Street her goods which she carries with her to Brussels, … to prevent one Urling felling any more trees in the King's park at Bagshot and to prosecute him for same and for the …
Displaying 9241 - 9250 of 35624