
Displaying 9871 - 9880 of 10113
Statutes of the Realm
… and hath likewise declared his pleasure to leave the Administration of the Government in the Hands of the Queens … such his absence out of this Realme from the Exercise or Administration of any Act or Acts of Regall Power or … his Majestie II. King, when in England, to have the sole Administration of Regal Power. Provided alwayes That as often …
William and Mary, 1690: An Act for Granting to their Majesties severall Additional) Duties of Excise upon Beere Ale and other Liquors for foure yeares from the time that an Act for doubling the Duty of Excise upon Beere Ale and other Liquors dureing the space of one yeare doth expire. [Chapter X. Rot. Parl. pt. 3. nu. 9.]
Statutes of the Realm
Displaying 9871 - 9880 of 10113