
Displaying 91 - 100 of 19854
The Court of Chivalry 1634-1640
… of Sir Thomas Bludder and Edward Saunders, esq, J.P.s, asked why it was necessary. At the quarrel which ensued … 'base cheating Rascall, and sayd he was not worthy to keep gentlemen company but was fit to be whipt out of the country, … 'base fellow and told him that he was not worthy to keep gentlemen company... and if he had not been bound to the …
The Court of Chivalry 1634-1640
… met in January 1640 to take evidence from Hungate's witnesses (NH Norwich) Abstract Hungate, a gentleman of the … And that Reynolds (at such time and place) before many gentlemen said that Sir Henry caused all his tenants to bring … Charles I; 'and his ancestors for many years are esteemed gentlemen of rank and some of them have been of the order of …
The Court of Chivalry 1634-1640
… of Windrush, Gloucestershire, which went back to James's reign when Broad had been involved in lawsuits against … to behave himself respectfully towards him and other gentlemen. It appears, however, that Broad defaulted on the … an overworne scarlet coate and then he could goe amongst gentlemen, or to the same effect'? 9. Whether in 1638 in …
The Court of Chivalry 1634-1640
… 'that he was a base gentleman to abuse him being the king's officer'. Ponting gave his bond to answer the charge in May … his ancestors for above 300 yeares past is and have bin gentlemen, and c. Pontyn said of Hungerford, Sirra, you are a … 'that he was a base gentleman to abuse him being the king's officer'. Otherwise, Ponting denied the libel to be true, …
The Court of Chivalry 1634-1640
… that between August and October 1638 in Derby, in Hawkes's house in the presence of several gentry, Hawkes said that … but precedency.' Dr Duck presented the libel on Huntingdon's behalf on 19 March 1639. Huntingdon's witnesses were … of the case assizes coat of arms comparison insult before gentlemen other courts royalist …
The Court of Chivalry 1634-1640
… maintaining that he was a gentleman and that Ingepen's cause was void because his real name was Inckepen, and he … name.' Dr Duck was called to respond to the libel on Penny's behalf on 2 March 1639; however, on 5 February 1640 Penny … 'and the regarders are for the most part yeomen and not gentlemen and are soe accompted, reputed and taken.' And Goss …
The Court of Chivalry 1634-1640
… a process against Ivat from the Court of Admiralty. Ivat's witnesses, including several gentlemen, were examined by a commission headed by Sir Ralph … a gentleman, 'of civil behaviour and well esteemed amongst gentlemen and the better sort of people'. A month before last …
The Court of Chivalry 1634-1640
… he hunted upon his ground. Two unnamed Hertfordshire J.P.s sent examinations in support of his petition and the Earl … that your petitioner, in the company of divers other gentlemen, was lately hunting of a hare within the Manor of … runn his pitchfork into his sides. Whereupon your lordship's petitioner (being altogether unarmed) turned his horse …
The Court of Chivalry 1634-1640
… 'who by reason of his office is to keepe and see the king's peace kept.' He also claimed that Margaret, wife of … Were Nicholas Wynn and his ancestors commonly taken to be gentlemen for 10-200 years last past? 5. Had Nicholas Wynn … To Wynn's defence: 4. Wynn 'and his ancestors were always gentlemen and of good friends and kinred and soe reputed and …
The Court of Chivalry 1634-1640
… persons' in Middle Temple Hall, London, for refusing Brian's challenge to fight him. Brian also, allegedly, said that 'I … 1640 and on 10 October it was decided to nominate several gentlemen to arbitrate in the case. Initial proceedings … present a great multitude of honorable persons and other gentlemen, did, after many disgracefull speeches and accons …
Displaying 91 - 100 of 19854