
Displaying 3481 - 3490 of 45649
A New History of London
… Book 2, Ch. 2 Summary of civil government CHAP. II. Containing a summary view of the civil government of the city of London. … body for the management of several departments of the city affairs: the lord-mayor may call courts whenever he pleases, …
A New History of London
… Dowgate Ward CHAP. XX. Dowgate-ward. Boundaries. The name of this ward is derived from Dowgate, one of the four … hall, Guilda Aula Teutonicorum, for the transacting their affairs. It is now chiefly occupied by merchants who trade in … Taylors school. On the east side of Suffolk-lane stands a celebrated school, founded by the company of Merchant …
A New History of London
… Book 2, Ch. 21 Farringdon Ward Within CHAP. XXI. The ward of Farringdon-within. Boundaries. This ward with that of … gates of this city. It is not certain that there was a gate on this spot before the reign of Henry I. though we … the physicians sit to give advice to the poor gratis; a committee-room; a library, furnished with books by Sir …
A New History of London
… Book 2, Ch. 22 Farringdon Ward Without CHAP. XXII. The ward of Farringdon-without. Boundaries. This large ward forms the … the whole precinct of the late priory of St. Bartholomew; a part of Long-lane, on the north, toward Aldersgatestreet; … require it, to undergo the correction of whipping. The affairs of the hospital are managed by the governors, who are …
A New History of London
… Boundaries. This ward is denominated from the eastern gate of the city, and is defined on the east by the city wall … into Crutched-friars. This street derives its name from a religious house of crouched or crossed friars which stood … it has the merit of being extreamly convenient. Here all affairs relating to the royal navy are managed by seven …
A New History of London
… Book 3, Ch. 1 Southwark BOOK III. A Survey of the Borough of Southwark; including the adjoining parishes … the benefit arising from her labour and ingenuity as the committee judge she deserves; which sum may be increased by …
A New History of London
… Book 4, Ch. 1 General view of the City of Westminster Book IV. A Survey of the City and Liberties of Westminster. CHAP. I. … chapter of St. Peter's in civil as well as ecclesiastical affairs; whose jurisdiction extends over the city and …
A New History of London
… Book 4, Ch. 2 The city parishes of St. Margaret and St John, Evangelist, Westminster CHAP. II. A survey of the city of Westminster; or of the parishes of … put, whether it shall be committed, which is either to a committee of the whole house, if the bill be of importance; …
A New History of London
… Book 4, Ch. 3 The parishes of the Liberty of Westminster CHAP. III. The several parishes … St. Martin's-lane near the south end; and that there was a church there in very early times appears from a dispute in … annum, each. In this office are transacted all maritime affairs belonging to the jurisdiction of the admiralty board; …
The Spanish Company
… Book of Oaths, Acts and Ordinances BOOK OF OATHS, ACTS AND … Library, MS. Rawlinson C. 178) 510. [p. 1] The oath of a freeman by ancient trade. You sweare to be true and … paide. So help you God et cetera. 511. [p. 2] 'The Oath of a freeman receaved by Redemption (being free of some other …
Displaying 3481 - 3490 of 45649