
Displaying 61 - 70 of 5210
Acts & Proceedings of the General Assemblies of the Kirk of Scotland
Acts & Proceedings of the General Assemblies of the Kirk of Scotland
… in haill or in part, be purchasing vnto themselves, thair aires, and assignayes, long taks of the same within the worth …
Acts & Proceedings of the General Assemblies of the Kirk of Scotland
… Pastours non residence, bot also it salbe laufull to the aires, executours and assignays of the Minister or Reider … the [next] intrant Minister or Reidar refound to him, his aires, executours and assignayis, the haill expenssis made be …
Acts & Proceedings of the General Assemblies of the Kirk of Scotland
Acts & Proceedings of the General Assemblies of the Kirk of Scotland
Acts & Proceedings of the General Assemblies of the Kirk of Scotland
Acts & Proceedings of the General Assemblies of the Kirk of Scotland
Acts & Proceedings of the General Assemblies of the Kirk of Scotland
… will beare faith and true alledgeance to his Hienes, his aires, and laufull successours; and to my power sall assist … and authorities granted and belongand to his Hienes, his aires, and laufull successours, or vnited and annexit to his … to his Hienes in your presence; and to his Majestie, his aires, and laufull successours, salbe faithfull and trew. Swa …
Acts & Proceedings of the General Assemblies of the Kirk of Scotland
Acts of the General Assembly of the Church of Scotland
Displaying 61 - 70 of 5210