
Displaying 71 - 80 of 932
Two Tudor Subsidy Rolls for the City of London
… Peterson servaunt (4d.) 4 James Martyn servaunt (4d.) 4 Alard servaunt no goodes (4d.) 4 Lennardes servaunt to James …
Two Tudor Subsidy Rolls for the City of London
… (£10) 20 Hubert Francklin (£ 10) 20 Garrett Tryon (£7) 14 Alard Starte (£5) 10 Widdow Garratt (£10) 20 John Burgrave …
15th March 1624
Proceedings in Parliament 1624
… preservation of salmon and trout and peals of the sea. L. 3a. An act for confirmation of Wadham College in Oxford and …
Proceedings in Parliament 1624
… the committee. Tuesday, Inner Temple Hall, 2 [o']clock. L. 3a. An act against assignment of debts to the King. Upon question, passed. L. 3a. An act against simony. Upon question, passed. [f. 41] 1. …
16th March 1624
Proceedings in Parliament 1624
… as aforesaid pronounced to him by MR. SPEAKER. L. 3a. An act for the better repressing of drunkenness and … and other victualling-houses. Upon question, passed. L. 3a. An act concerning women convicted of small felonies. Upon question, passed. [CJ 688; f. 47v] L. 3a. An act for reformation of jeofails. Upon question, …
Proceedings in Parliament 1624
… Spencer This afternoon, Court of Wards, 2 [o']clock. L. 3a. An act for naturalization of Sir William Anstruther, kt., … dean and chapter, or any other party interessed. L. 3a. [ Blank] Upon question, passed. SIR EDWARD COKE reports … Mercurii , 19 0 Maii, 22 0 Jacobi, post meridiem L. 3a. An act for relief of the master, wardens and commonalty …
Proceedings in Parliament 1624
… reports Sir Robert Carr's bill, without amendments. L. 3a. An act for naturalization of Sir Robert Carr, kt. Upon …
Proceedings in Parliament 1624
… [Sir John] Ryves's bill, with amendments. Engrossetur. L. 3a. An act against receiving of any pensions from any foreign … [NICHOLAS] DUCK reports Mr. [Toby] Palavicino's bill. L. 3a. An act to enable Toby Palavicino, esq., to sell certain …
21st April 1624
Proceedings in Parliament 1624
… [ MS torn] tomorrow morning at 8 of the clock. [ MS torn] 3a. An act for removing of actions out of inferior courts. …
21st February 1624
Proceedings in Parliament 1624
… shall be amiss, to be [ illegible] by his free pardon. [f. 3A] Then the Lord Keeper replied, after a long conference …
Displaying 71 - 80 of 932