
Displaying 71 - 80 of 68692
Calendar of Patent Rolls, Henry III
… de Ferlegh and Nicholas de Rommes[eye], clerk, to arrent all the assarts made in the forests of the county of Wilts. … as warden of the instant fair of Stanford; directed to all merchants and others coming to the fair. Writ of aid for … for Peter de Geneve, going beyond seas, directed to all men of Ireland. Afterwards the clause volumus was added. …
Calendar of Patent Rolls, Henry III
… Protection with clause volumus, from Christmas until All Saints following, for W. bishop of Bath and Wells, gone … of Thomas de Stanford, escheator in those counties, all his co-escheators of their bailiwicks to render account at the Exchequer, and to pay there all the issues which they have received while the said …
Calendar of Patent Rolls, Henry III
… for Peter de Geneve, going beyond seas, directed to all men of Ireland. Afterwards the clause volumus was added. … Simple protection for John de Brademar, directed to all men of Ireland. Grant during pleasure to Anian son of … The like of Thomas de Stanford, king's clerk, to keep all manner of the king's wards and escheats, in the counties …
Calendar of Patent Rolls, Henry III
… peace. MEMBRANE 5 d. May 29. Winchester. Notification to all bailiffs and others that, whether the truce with France …
Calendar of Patent Rolls, Henry III
… in their bailiwick; and that they do such justice touching all things whereof complaint is made before them that these … Robert asserts that he was ejected by Thomas, as about all other trespasses on both sides. Bond by Edward the king's … in the above privilege, and shall grant and approve all things expressed therein. [ Fdera.] Commission to William …
Calendar of Patent Rolls, Henry III
… the king's affairs. Simple protection for three years from All Saints for William Bicke, merchant of Notingham. Oct. 30. … being put on juries, assizes or recognitions. Mandate to all crusaders coming to London on the morrow of All Souls to return home until further order, as the king …
Calendar of Patent Rolls, Henry III
… for life of William de Ossau, merchant of Gascony, from all prises of wides throughout England save the ancient prise … Jewess of Winchester, that she shall have seisin of all the lands, rents and tenements late of Thomas de … paid her debts, on condition that she be answerable to all the Jews who are able to prove that the said lands were …
Calendar of Patent Rolls, Henry III
… and determine, according to the customs of those parts, all the contentions between Thomas Corbet and Fulk son of … with mandate to the sheriff of Worcester to have all the prisoners, &c. Afterwards Stephen Baucan was …
Calendar of Patent Rolls, Henry III
… bound to the king; and the king's will and command is that all those to whom he had committed the keeping of the said … prior, and the convent of St. Swithun's, Winchester, of all the debts due to the king for the time that Andrew, … him at another time ; and the king has granted to all persons dwelling there or hereafter to dwell there the …
Calendar of Patent Rolls, Henry III
… to make prises of wines for the king's use and to do all other things belonging to the office of chamberlain in … of the whole land they had in Winterburne Regis, with all liberties and free customs belonging thereto, for three … Oxford, Worcester and Northampton to admit him as prior in all that belongs to the priory. By K. Nov. 8. Gloucester. …
Displaying 71 - 80 of 68692