
Displaying 31 - 40 of 4182
Calendar of Patent Rolls, Edward II
… Hakelut of the custody of the lands of Maddoc Vaghan ap Griffith, tenant in chief, during the minority of the …
Calendar of Patent Rolls, Edward II
… May 17. Westminster. Grant, during pleasure, to Rees ap Gryffyth, king's yeoman, of whatever the king holds in the …
Calendar of Patent Rolls, Edward II
… and his heirs. July 12. Windsor. Grant, for life, to Tudor ap Kendale of the office of woodward in the commote of … being in his hands. By K. Grant, during pleasure, to Res ap Griffith, king's yeoman, of the stewardship of 'Cardigan Shyre,' to hold in the same manner as Yevan ap Molewyn held it. By K., on the information of W. de …
Calendar of Patent Rolls, Edward II
… rent of 19 marks issuing out of that land to Griffin ap Mereduk' and Kevan ap Mereduk' his brother. March 24. Westminster. Presentation … of a carucate of land in Cunduy purchased by him from Rees ap Howel, and another in Wylfayth purchased from Miles …
Calendar of Patent Rolls, Edward II
… de Kirkeby. co. Stafford. 200 men. Griffin Thloyt, Yevan ap Howel and Master Thomas de Esthalle, chamberlain of … Wales and Angleseye. 600 men. Walter de Pederton, Philip ap Howelle and Margan ap Mereduk'; the latter, with Walter de Hakelut deputed by …
Calendar of Patent Rolls, Edward II
… co. Norfolk. Dec. 14. Westminster. The like to John ap Adam, John de Foxle and Miles de Rodeberwe, on complaint … co. Salop. Richard de Harle William de Lodelowe John ap Adam co. Gloucester. Richard de Croupes John de Langele … March 18. Westminster. The like to William Martyn, John ap Adam, John de Foxle and Walter de Gloucestre, on complaint …
Calendar of Patent Rolls, Edward II
… of Rampton and William his brother. By p.s. Leulinus ap Yevan ap Philip of Maillorseysenek for the death of William de … p.s. Yevan son of Eynon Devenald for the death of Griffer ap Yevan le Littelengliss of Kynardesleye. By p.s. Nov. 26. …
Calendar of Patent Rolls, Edward II
… de Monte Hermerii of the custody of the lands of John ap Adam and of Elizabeth his wife, tenants in chief, during … and for other felonies. By p.s. Nov. 23. Edenevet ap Griffith Vaghan for homicide and other felonies. By p.s. …
Calendar of Patent Rolls, Edward II
… with knights' fees and advowsons of churches of John ap Adam, tenant in chief, to hold during the minority of the …
Calendar of Patent Rolls, Edward II
… Oct. 15. Renfrew. Commission of oyer and terminer to John ap Adam, Walter de Gloucestre and Miles de Rodeberwe, … committed by the king. By C. Commission associating John ap Adam and Walter de Pavely in the foregoing survey. Mandate … the above justices. Oct. 10. Carmyle. Commission to John ap Adam, Master John Martel and John de Pateshulle to enquire …
Displaying 31 - 40 of 4182