
Displaying 81 - 90 of 16626
Calendar of Patent Rolls, Edward II
… Roger le Taillour, Simon Lawes, Hugh le Hert, John atte Lane and others broke his house at Cesterton, co. Oxford, and …
Calendar of Patent Rolls, Edward II
… Joceus de Gedeneye, Gilbert de Thyngden, Walter atte Lane of Baston, Robert Nightegale of Baston, William Boner of … Richard Bole, Nicholas Eves, Nicholas Eliot, Alan atte Lane, Robert son of Gregory, Gregory son of Simon del Fen, …
Calendar of Patent Rolls, Edward II
… chapter of the cathedral church of Lincoln to enclose a lane in the suburb of Lincoln, adjoining the dwelling places of certain canons of their church, which lane leads from the way of Estgate to Pottergate towards the south, viz. from the southern part of another lane leading towards Wayneswelle to the said way of …
Calendar of Patent Rolls, Edward II
… York, Joceus de Gedeneye, Gilbert de Thingden, Walter atte Lane of Baston, Robert Nightegale of Baston, William Boner of … Richard Bole, Nicholas Eves, Nicholas Eliot, Alan atte Lane, Robert son of Gregory, Gregory son of Simon del Fen, …
Calendar of Patent Rolls, Edward II
… of Cornestal, between the area of the said Friars and a lane stretching from the street of Cornstal to the east gate …
Calendar of Patent Rolls, Edward II
… for Master Richard de Stanhou, king's clerk, to close a lane in Stanhou leading from his dwelling place there through … provided he make in his own soil another suitable lane leading to the same place. May 25. Westminster. …
Calendar of Patent Rolls, Edward II
… York. Licence for Roger Papillon to enfeoff William atte Lane of Fissheburne and Laurence de Rustiton of a messuage, …
Calendar of Patent Rolls, Edward II
… Coudelegh, Hugh Martyn, Robert Cornur, Roger 'in the Lane,' Roger Milly, and Robert son of William Bate of Groby, …
Displaying 81 - 90 of 16626