
Displaying 31 - 40 of 4294
Calendar of Patent Rolls, Henry III
… possessions and goods moveable and immoveable in their bailiwick; and that they do such justice touching all things … and Oxford, to enquire at Oxford and elsewhere in the bailiwick of the said Nicholas where and by whom Gervase de …
Calendar of Patent Rolls, Henry III
… during pleasure of Adam de Grindeham to the whole bailiwick of the forest in the counties of Somerset and …
Calendar of Patent Rolls, Henry III
… Passelewe, archdeacon of Lewes, is sending to keep the bailiwick which Richard de Munfichet held of the king in that … of Braden to be intendant to Hugh Passelewe touching the bailiwick which Adam de Periton held in that forest. Jan. 24. … 6. Westminster. Appointment of Robert Passelewe to the bailiwick of the forest late of John de Nevill with the …
Calendar of Patent Rolls, Henry III
… Grant, for life, to Adam de Greinvill, for a fine of the bailiwick of the forest of Selewod, co. Wilts, late of James … brother, that from the time when they were first in any bailiwick or office of the king until the feast of St. Edward … perquisities and all other things pertaining to that bailiwick which Geoffrey Norman had in Suwerck, except pleas …
Calendar of Patent Rolls, Henry III
… them in the execution hereof or send a substitute in the bailiwick of the Cinque Ports. Writ of aid to the barons of …
Calendar of Patent Rolls, Henry III
Calendar of Patent Rolls, Henry III
… of all trespasses committed by him from the time when any bailiwick of the king's was committed to him until Ash … he was bound to the king in his lifetime for any ward or bailiwick that he ever had from him. MEMBRANE 4. Grant, for … and that he be not made mayor or reeve or take any other bailiwick, against his will. Aug. 20. Brill. The king has …
Calendar of Patent Rolls, Henry III
… prior of Campagne ( Campan') and to take those of their bailiwick found guilty by that inquisition and imprison them … come with all speed to Portesmuth all the ships in their bailiwick capable of carrying 16 horses to cross to Gascony; …
Calendar of Patent Rolls, Henry III
… during pleasure, of Geoffrey de Bello Campo to keep the bailiwick of Seingniaus; with mandate to the goodmen thereof … Akam' [ in the margin, 'Aquelini'] to the keeping of the bailiwick of the honour of St. Macaire ; with mandate to the … king's provost of Besados as to the earl's debts in his bailiwick. The like to the mayor and jurats of Bordeaux …
Calendar of Patent Rolls, Henry III
… kinsman, rector of the church of Lampatermaur in the bailiwick of Kardigan, to be disturbed by lay force in his … and from all reckonings and accounts from any wardship or bailiwick from the time that he was first in the king's …
Displaying 31 - 40 of 4294