
Displaying 91 - 100 of 24105
Calendar of Patent Rolls, Henry III
… deliver it to him. Grant to Geoffrey de Lezinan, the king's brother, that after the king has provided for his brother, … and from being made taker or appraiser of the king's wines. By K. Oct. 29. Windsor. The like of John Bozsard … coroner. By K. The like of Robert de Monte Pessulano, king's serjeant, from being tallaged in any tallage imposed on the …
Calendar of Patent Rolls, Henry III
… by the Queen and R. earl of Cornwall, until the queen's departure to Bordeaux, 29 May, after which date they are … the same, and to send the said recognisance to the king's council staying in England. By H. de Bathonia. Nov. 15. Westminster. Mandate to the abbot of St. Werburgh's, Chester, to deliver the 1,000 marks, which are to come …
Calendar of Patent Rolls, Henry III
… the prior of Clayhangre, who assaulted Thomas, the bishop's chaplain, and who are suspected of the death of the prior … those found guilty to be carried to London to the king's prison, and take bail from those found guilty of force and aid to come before the king's justices to answer therefor. Commission to John de …
Calendar of Patent Rolls, Henry III
… cannot accede to the request of Henry de Wengham, king's clerk, to grant to the said Hugh the church of Rameseye, … another, they are to send them with the elect to the king's presence to request his assent. Sept. 9. In camp without La … men to be arrested wherever they can be found in the king's power, and to be kept until further order and this by the …
Calendar of Patent Rolls, Henry III
… Dec. 29. Chawton. The subprior and convent of St. Peter's, Gippewich, have licence to elect a prior, by Nicholas de … the death of Master Henry de Campeden, sometime the king's physician ; directed to the bishop of Lincoln. Jan. 3. … last will of Master Henry de Caumpeden, sometime the king's physician ; and grant that the executors thereof shall have …
Calendar of Patent Rolls, Henry III
… 8. Westminster. Power to Master Nicholas de Plumpton, king's clerk, to borrow in the king's name of Bernard Prosporin, Aldebrand Aldebrandini, … of England for a year and a day unless he obtain the king's grace to return. Mandate to the keeper of the gaol of the …
Calendar of Patent Rolls, Henry III
… until Christmas for Matthew de Mara, gone on the king's service to Scotland. By the queen. Jan. 28 Windsor Royal … The like of the said Arnold to the keeping of the king's forest between the bridges of Stanford and Oxford, with all … sending to the said ports Gilbert de London, king's clerk, to arrest all ships of the ports able to carry 16 …
Calendar of Patent Rolls, Henry III
… taken by them to England, Ireland, Wales or other the king's land, which the king is accustomed to take, except the … Forti, knight, has sworn on the Holy Gospels on the king's soul, that these ordinances shall be observed, and the king … date shall be confirmed word for word by Edward the king's son and sealed with his seal. Feb.13. Bazas Pelerin de la …
Calendar of Patent Rolls, Henry III
… of Cormayles. Grant for life to Roger Cocherel of 100 s. a year at the exchequer of Westminster. Jan. 7. [Bazas.] … fence month and in warrens, so that he take not the king's great deer. Jan. 11. Bazas. Charter granting to John Tregoz … Jan. 14. Bazas. Grant to William Benedicti, king's clerk, who is in the king's service in Gascony, of a …
Calendar of Patent Rolls, Henry III
… term was changed at Bordeaux. Acknowledgment of the king's indebtedness to William de Taliva and William Torto, … king renouncing all exceptions; also in 524 marks less 2 s. for wines received for the king's prise from their servants ( mancipiis) in England by the …
Displaying 91 - 100 of 24105