
Displaying 41 - 50 of 65
Calendar of Papal Registers Relating to Great Britain and Ireland
… 414, 440, 441. Belloprato, Richard, son of John de, 62. Belvero, Roger de, 531. Benedict XI. and XII. See Popes. …
Calendar of Papal Registers Relating to Great Britain and Ireland
… -, [co. Suffolk], 181, 545. Belton, Ralph de. See Houton. Belvero, Roger de, monk of St. Albans, 339. Belvoir [co. …
Calendar of Papal Registers Relating to Great Britain and Ireland
… Belton [co. Lincoln], 537. Belton, John, Carmelite, 315. Belvero, Raynald de, 69. Bemanny, Joan, widow, 483. -, …
Calendar of the Manuscripts of the Dean & Chapter of Wells
… 524. Bello Campo. See Beauchamp. Bellus, Robert, 42. Belvero, William de, master of St. Mark's hospital, Bristol, …
Calendar of Patent Rolls, Edward II
… Reginald de, 37. , Simon de, 37. Belutona, Roger de, 574. Belvero, William de, master of the house of St. Mark's, … by Bristol, St. Mark's [Gaunt's hospital], William de Belvero, master of, 373. Billing, Great, Great Billynge, co. …
Calendar of Close Rolls, Edward I
… -, Master Simon de, the king's surgeon, 32, 110, 111, 112. Belvero, Master Robert de, 476. Belyn, Reymund de, 297. Beme, …
Calendar of Close Rolls, Edward III
… -, -, de, 55. -, -, canon of the order of Sempringham, 88. Belvero, William de. master of the house of St. Mark, Billeswick, 413, 437. Belvoir, Belvero [co. Lincoln], prior of, 559. -, -, William, 336. … house of St. Mark, 413, 437, 438. -, -, master of. See Belvero, William de. Billing, Billyng, Little Bylyng, Byllyng …
Calendar of Close Rolls, Edward I
… William de, chaplain, 413. -, -, son of Reginald de, 227. Belvero, Joan wife of Thomas de, 21. -, Robert de, 167. -, … Robert, 316. Beuver, Richard de, 343. -, - See also Belvero. Beuveys, Master Simon de, 445, 491. -, -, the king's …
Letters and Papers, Foreign and Domestic, Henry VIII
… -, Dr., 6655. Belvoir, Leic., letter dated at, 5262. - (Belvero), Th. abbot of, p. 2698. Belwode, Eliz., g. 1377 …
Calendar of Close Rolls, Henry III
… 39. Belton, Simon de, 102. Belvac. See Beauvais. Belvoir, Belvero [co. Leicester], 249, 303. Bending, Thomas de, …
Displaying 41 - 50 of 65