
Displaying 11 - 20 of 36122
Calendar of Patent Rolls, Henry III
… de Kaundevre. [ Unfinished and cancelled.] Because on the Close Roll. Nov. 20. Westminster. Grant to Hugh Reyler and …
Calendar of Patent Rolls, Henry III
… with power to surrender it in his name. These letters were close. Oct. 11. Westminster. Mandate to sheriffs in whose …
Calendar of Patent Rolls, Henry III
… they should meet being expressed. The form of the letters close directed to each of the said justices severally: Aug. … the counties of Lincoln and York. The letters patent and close directed to the several justices in the several … of Peterborough. The like of Richard de Hynton. These were close. Order to the sheriff of Norfolk and Suffolk to bring …
Calendar of Patent Rolls, Henry III
… the king's affairs in those parts. They have also letters close on the same matter and the letters are enrolled on the Close Roll. Dec. 10. Alton. Mandate to the barons of the … Richard de Augo in Standon. [ Cancelled.] Because on the Close Roll. Dec. 12. Wherwell. Protection for Giles de …
Calendar of Patent Rolls, Henry III
… the lands of others. Request to that effect, by letters close, to J. earl of Lincoln, W. earl of Albemarle and … in three weeks of Monday after the octaves of the close of Easter, of Hugh le Prestre, John son of John, clerk … the margin.] The form of writs directed to the justices. Close. Mandate to the sheriff of Berks to summon the …
Calendar of Patent Rolls, Henry III
… to him the stamp which is in his custody. These were close 1235.Jan. 3. Waverley Writ of Liberate to the treasurer … has been put in place of Master Philip. Also letters close under the same date have been directed to Master S. … of St. Radegund's and are enrolled on the dorse of the close roll. Letters have also been directed to Master Walter …
Calendar of Patent Rolls, Henry III
… enjoined by the king. Mandate to the said H. by letters close, that after the despatch of the king's business by the … charter, which the king has inspected. The like by letters close to the treasurer and the rest of the barons of the … the person presented. And a mandate is sent by the letters close to the dean and chapter that because the king …
Calendar of Patent Rolls, Henry III
… to the justices of the Jews. [ Cancelled.] Because on the Close Roll. Dec. 30. Guildford. Appointment, during pleasure, …
Calendar of Patent Rolls, Henry III
… of the goshawks. [ Cancelled.] Because he had letters close of protection. Dec. 28. Ashley. Appointment, during … the morrow of the Epiphany, and it is commanded by letters close to the prior and sub-prior of St. Andrews, Northampton, … to the Holy Land. And it is commanded to them by letters close that the king holds the provision which they have made …
Calendar of Patent Rolls, Henry III
… the sheriff of Cumberland, to meet on the octaves of the Close of Easter at Newcastle on Tyne and cause the king's … not be weakened. In like manner it is written by letters close and by the same words to each of the above. Mandate to … so occasion be given to the said king to weaken the peace. Close. The term was afterwards changed as below. Mandate to …
Displaying 11 - 20 of 36122