
Displaying 2681 - 2690 of 66935
Calendar of State Papers Colonial, America and West Indies
… three months, it has been impossible for me to do much in execution of either of those Commissions wch. yr. … composition with ye Naval Officer. As ye Supream Cort is under ye regulation of ye Governor and Council, I have … the Irish of Montserat ris in rebellion, my father sent down some companies from hence to quel them, and having …
Calendar of State Papers Colonial, America and West Indies
… able to recover myself from the distraction I have been under for the death of my dear Lord, which hath made me … his life by the fategue he hourly underwent to serve him in this far country. I know I need not indeavour to persuade … creature. I designe to engadge Col. Elrington to go down to St. Xphers, where he will be more useful to the …
Calendar of State Papers Colonial, America and West Indies
… that an Instruction be prepared for Brigadier Selwyn, in pursuance of the Order of Council, Aug. 21. Report from … rights to take up land not proceeded with, as being under consideration of the Committee for revisal of the Laws. … workmen on the Capitol sent up, agreed to and sent down. Aug. 26. Message sent to the House of Burgesses with …
Calendar of State Papers Colonial, America and West Indies
… one of the Justices of the Inferior Court of Common Pleas in the County of Bristol in the room of John Saffin, one of … Geo. Mason was sworn a Burgess. See preceding abstract under date. Aug. 7. The House of Burgesses attending, H.E. … of the Messenger to answer his misdemeanour in coming down private stairs into the House and passing through when …
Calendar of State Papers Colonial, America and West Indies
… of the Scotch and Quaker factions, concerned sundry years in the divisions and incendiary parties, that has brought … sugar and indico, and on the 10th day Admiral Benbow being under saile (on some expedition not publick), three more … lodgings or finishing within, under 7,000 l., and near as much more within, for the receipt of men and stores, besides …
Calendar of State Papers Colonial, America and West Indies
… 19, read, and enclosed papers laid before the Board. Order in Council, July 9, relating to appeals in Barbadoes, read. … to that place for some years. But the reason given by him, under his favour, is more artful than true, vizt., because of … inquiry about them, but being disappointed in that I went down to Bristol to engage a friend of mine to discourse the …
Calendar of State Papers Colonial, America and West Indies
… 849. i. Memorial presented by the Venetian Ambassador. In view of the interruptions to trade occasioned by the last … Committee for Propositions and Grievances. Message sent down to the Burgesses:The building of the Capitol being so … by any other means than by our taking the Government under our immediate care, have made a formal surrender of …
Calendar of State Papers Colonial, America and West Indies
… he may be allowed for entring the Laws of Five Assemblies in the Country's Law Book, rejected. Bills for dividing … the two divisions of East and West New Jersey into and under one Government, Our will and pleasure is that, with all … The above Bills were read a second and third time and sent down, the first with an amendment. The Council agreed with …
Calendar of State Papers Colonial, America and West Indies
… vessel from our Port to the Windward Islands or Barbadoes in 7 years, but from the Northern Colonies they have daily … in the Capitol, etc. agreed to. Lists of Militia sent down to the Burgesses, with a message from H.E. inviting any … rewards due to their own officers, and it hath been for much longer time allowed than disallowed, and what reasons …
Calendar of State Papers Colonial, America and West Indies
… August 1702 Aug. 6. Hampton Court. 813. Order of Queen in Council. Referring to the Council of Trade and … low state of the Revenue, and the urgent necessity we lie under of paying not only our old debts, but of raising such … the oaths. The writs of the Election and returns were sent down. Aug. 8. Two Members of Assembly sworn. [ C.O. 140, 6. …
Displaying 2681 - 2690 of 66935