
Displaying 18521 - 18530 of 18858
Calendar of State Papers Domestic: William III
… know if Joy knows him, but he follows a different road. [P.S.] I hear from England that Joy has been bragging of having access to the king's closet. I hope that that may not be so, and I beg you to exert your influence to prevent it. French. 3 pp. [ S.P. 63. 360. ff. 2234.] Feb. 1. Commission to Isaac Jevreau, …
Calendar of State Papers Domestic: William III
… from Sir Nicholas Van Acker. ( Treas. Cal., XVI, 207.) [ S.P. 32. 12. ff. 127128: S.O.3. 20. f. 209, v.] Feb. 2. Kensington. Commissions to Brook Bridges to be ensign to Sir M. Bridges' regiment: to Jas. Fontebran to be adjutant to the …
Calendar of State Papers Domestic: William III
… 1702 [Feb. 1.] "Report about the Savoy." To the king's Majesty. We underwritten, being by your Majesty's letters patents appointed commissioners to visit the royal … Jacob's) Wm. Hyde Hen. Vertister Fleet Mich. Owen ( Sir M. Bridges') Jno. Baily Renne Granger ( Col. F. Hamilton's) Jno. …
Calendar of State Papers Domestic: William III
… and George Etheridge, Surgeon Archibald Harris, Surgeon's Mates Nathaniel Edwards, William Moren, Charles Harris and … d'Avanant. The total number of privates is 1,915. [ S.P.8. 18. ff. 12.] Jan. 1. An abstract of the musters of the … Ensign Thomas Talmache. Total number of privates 928. [ S.P.8. 18. ff. 34.] Jan. 1. Extract of a letter from Sir …
Calendar of State Papers Domestic: William III
… to be ensign to Captain William Abrahall in Colonel Colt's regiment. [ Ibid., 167, p. 261]. July 1. Whitehall. Passes … to go to Holland; for Elizabeth Cummins, a soldier's wife, ditto; for Mr. George Bridgman, ditto; for John Eder, … to Mr. Attorney for his opinion. A memorial read of Mr. Bridges on behalf of Colonel Russell, governor of Barbados, …
Calendar of State Papers Domestic: William III
… Elector of Bavaria continues at Nevelle. Upon Colonel Coy's quitting his regiment of horse here, the King has been … soldier, and then pretending to enlist him for Sir Matthew Bridges, by virtue of a warrant signed by their Excellencies in May last, empowering Sir Matthew Bridges, or whom he shall appoint, to take up the deserters …
Calendar of State Papers Domestic: William III
… now seem to wish for a qualified minister of his Majesty's at Madrid, and yet they go but awkwardly to work in … 9. Whitehall. Proceedings upon the petition of Sir Mathew Bridges, knt., setting forth that about 25 July, 1683, Mr. Robt. Bridges, of Dublin, borrowed of Mr. Patrick Dowdall the sum …
Calendar of State Papers Domestic: William III
… commander of one of H.M. pacquet boats, Aug. 6, 1699. [ S.P. 44. 349. p. 118.] July 4. Whitehall. Lord Jersey to Mr. … rescuing of some persons seized for plundering the ship. [ S.P. 44. 100. p. 312.] July 4. Whitehall. Ja. Vernon to … Sir John St. Barbe, Rich. Norton, George Pitt, col. George Bridges, Anth. Henlye, Thomas Jervoyce, col. Henry Dawley, …
Calendar of State Papers Domestic: William III
… John Thorold to be deputy lieutenants of Lincolnshire. [ S.P. 44. 168. p. 358.] Caveat that "no pardon or grant issue … July 31. Whitehall. Proceedings upon the petition of Joan Bridges, John Bridges, and Eliz. Wood, of the Isle of Thanet; setting forth …
Calendar of State Papers Domestic: William III
… of Cloyne, holding his deanery of Kilkenny in commendam. [ S.P. Dom., William and Mary 7, No. 46.] June 1. Whitehall. R. … or do any other thing I can to make the matter easy. [ S.P. Dom., Entry Book 99, p. 381.] June 1. Whitehall. The … a Swedish subject, lately pressed on board his Majesty's ship Defiance, and turned over to the Dunkirk, is to be …
Displaying 18521 - 18530 of 18858