
Displaying 2211 - 2220 of 2233
Calendar of State Papers Domestic: William III
… petition of Richard Simpson, master and part owner of the Bridgeman sloop, setting forth that the petitioner, in his …
Calendar of State Papers Domestic: William and Mary, 1695
… his ship in carrying soldiers from Ireland to France. Mr. Bridgeman's letter about Lord Carmarthen and the coming back … into consideration the case of any of the rioters. Mr. Bridgeman called in. Delivered in a paper relative to the … 346, p. 97]. July 25. Off Calais. Lord Berkeley to Mr. Bridgman. This day I received yours about Captain Benbow; the …
Calendar of State Papers Domestic: William III
… Elizabeth Cummins, a soldier's wife, ditto; for Mr. George Bridgman, ditto; for John Eder, a poor German protestant, … they intend to proceed in. The whole was delivered to Mr. Bridgman, that the Admiralty might consider it. Mr. … ditto. [ Ibid. 346, p. 377.] July 20. Admiralty Office. W. Bridgeman to James Vernon. I am commanded by the Lords of the …
Calendar of State Papers Domestic: William III
… Read Mr. Burchett's letter of the 2nd inst., and Mr. Bridgman's of the 3rd, with the informations about the …
Calendar of State Papers Domestic: William III
… that they would write to their masters about it. Mr. Bridgman having desired to quit his place of one of the … is now sole secretary. I know no other reason Mr. Bridgman has for leaving this employment but what he says …
Calendar of State Papers Domestic: William III
… when their convoy was to go for Bilboa. Directed that Mr. Bridgman write about it, to have a better correspondency … have to make about employing the fleet. Ordered that Mr. Bridgman have notice of it. The petition of the Widow … [ Ibid. 345, p. 431.] June 29. Admiralty Office. William Bridgeman to Mr. Vernon. [ S.P. Dom. Naval 5, No. 11.] …
Calendar of State Papers Domestic: William III
… Office Letter Book 13, p. 450.] June 7. Whitehall. to Mr. Bridgman, enclosing a list (not here preserved) of Du Bart's … Minutes of the proceedings of the Lords Justices. Read Mr. Bridgman's letter of the 9th. Ordered that an answer be … his wife and two children, to go to Holland; for William Bridgeman, a Dutchman, ditto; for Alexander Duncan, a poor …
Calendar of State Papers Domestic: William III
… petitioner's eldest son Richard is now educated under Mr. Bridgman in the council chamber, and he has another son, … of kissing your Excellency's hands here, ere long. Mr. Bridgeman has this day desired his Majesty's leave to lay …
Calendar of State Papers Domestic: William III
… I send you a warrant of reprieve for a month for Philip Bridgeman, convicted last assizes at Aylesbury for robbing on … Mar. 16. Kensington. Warrant for the reprieve of Philip Bridgeman, sentenced to death at the last assizes at … 24. Whitehall. Proceedings upon the petition of Thomas Bridgeman; setting forth that Philip, his son, at the age of …
Calendar of State Papers Domestic: William III
… after notice of this offer, or of Henry Every, alias, Bridgeman. [ Printed, and published in The London Gazette, … Rich. Yate, Hen. Cope, esqs.; Sir Rich. Cocks, bart.; John Bridgeman, Reg. Pindar, Thos. Chester, Sam. Barker, Hen. …
Displaying 2211 - 2220 of 2233