
Displaying 30901 - 30910 of 31854
Calendar of Treasury Papers
… and Charles Bertie, Esq re, the Lord Great Chamberlain's brother, acted in the lieutenancy as his deputy. Lord …
Calendar of State Papers Domestic: Interregnum
… [ I. 75, pp. 6634.] Feb. 5. 59. Geo. Williamson to his brother Joseph, Queen's College, Oxford. I hope you are near … of the daughters and heirs of Rich. Whitelock, whose elder brother, Sir James, was one of the Justiciaries of the King's …
Calendar of State Papers Domestic: Interregnum
… not known, and cannot discover him, being my wife's brother. Barnes & Stead, often at Turk's Head, Moorfields. … Minories. Fras. Farrington. Paynter is John Granger, my brother, and had a hand in my betraying. Fugill, Manley, and …
Calendar of Treasury Papers
… of Commons, none of whom except the secretary and his brother ever had any employment in the government, tho' all … of the petitioner Elizabeth Murat to this property of her brother, against the other claimants, and advises that she … yet being now a subject, she would be entitled to her brother's personal estate, which happened to consist of such …
Calendar of State Papers Domestic: Interregnum
… couples of hounds, and a brace of Irish greyhounds to his brother, now residing in Holland, who earnestly desires them. … 46. i. Robt. Barboure to Robt. Blackborne. I saw your brother James at Plymouth last February, and he was well. I … 73. Assignment by John Owen, fishmonger of London, to his brother Matthias, of his title to a Public Faith Bill, of 5 …
Calendar of State Papers Domestic: Interregnum
… Winsby, Primrose, and Assistance are ready to sail. Your brother is well. [1 page.] April 4. Council. Day's …
Calendar of Treasury Papers
… the silks lately seized by M r Jenkins. The writer's brother was not likely to recover, being worse than of late … crown, were swallowed up by the earthquake, petitioner's brother hired a warehouse for the public stores, and paid the …
Calendar of State Papers Domestic: Interregnum
… seems to have miscarried. Pray pay it as I direct. If my brother is in London, send him my letter to my cousin … [ I. 76, pp. 88, 102.] May 23. 65. Petition of Jehosaphat, brother of John Lucas, lately executed for rebellion, to the … left me very young, and left my portion in the hands of my brother, and my father left his shop between us; but the …
Calendar of State Papers Domestic: Interregnum
… in and about Londonthat Lord Newport, Andrew Newport his brother, Jeffrey Palmer, Francis Lord Willoughby of Parham, … taken. [1 page.] June 18. 34. George Williamson to his brother Joseph. I have paid Peter 2 l., and send you 20 s. … 44. [Mr. Manning to Thurloe.] Major Rob. Walters, or his brother John, know most of the Northern design, and are now …
Calendar of State Papers Domestic: Interregnum
… them. [ page.] July 3. London. 5. Jane Taylor to her brother Jos. Williamson. I will send you the pair of silk … page.] July 6. Plymouth. 26. J[ames] B.[lackborne] to his brother [Robt. Blackborne]. I will, when required, send an … l. a year, lapsed at his death, and one by the death of my brother, slain in the service of the State in Ireland. I beg …
Displaying 30901 - 30910 of 31854