
Displaying 141 - 150 of 14051
Calendar of State Papers Domestic: William and Mary, 1695
… Feb. 14. Commission for Richard Bolton to be captain in a regiment not specified. [ S.P. Dom. Entry Book 167, p. 123.] … to be lieutenant-colonel and captain of a company in a regiment not specified. [ Ibid.] [May 21.] Petition of Edward … and captain in Colonel William Wolsley's regiment; for Richard Wolsley, esq., to be captain of a …
Calendar of State Papers Domestic: William and Mary, 1695
… esq., to be major, &c., in Colonel William Wolsley's regiment. [ Ibid., 167, p. 121.] Feb. 19./March 1. The Hague. … from a letter from Mons. de Welbrune with a list of the regiment of the Earl of Oxford. They are anxiously expecting … Captain Atkins was late captain in the Duke of Bolton's regiment of foot commanded by Lieut.-Col. Henry Holt. [ S.P. …
Calendar of State Papers Domestic: William and Mary, 1695
… shall give bills of exchange upon the paymaster of their regiment to the persons supplying the money, at the rate of … Edgeworth, esq., to be captain-lieutenant of the second regiment of foot guards, called "the Coldstreamers," … [ Ibid., Nos. 34 to 38.] July 16. List of companies in the regiment of dragoons of the Prince of Saxe-Gotha, reviewed by …
Calendar of State Papers Domestic: William and Mary, 1695
… charge, and are otherwise to return empty to Holland. The regiment of Colonel Kirke comes here on Monday next, and the … remains in this kingdom none but Lord George Hamilton's regiment of foot of those designed to be sent over, which … not have made it a secret that his Majesty designed the regiment of 1,400, which he commanded you to form, for the …
Calendar of State Papers Domestic: William and Mary, 1695
… his garter. We hear the Irish Lord Arran will have the regiment of horse commanded by Brigadier Villiers, deceased. … in a sailing posture. The gentlemen, taken into custody in Cheshire and Lancashire upon the account of the conspiracy, … Yesterday Lord Molyneux and the other gentlemen from Cheshire and Lancashire (whose names I lately gave you) were …
Calendar of State Papers Domestic: William and Mary, 1695
… Flanders. On the 27th and 28th ult. Colonel Lillingston's regiment of foot marched into Plymouth to be embarked for … and today the House of Lords were upon the Lancashire and Cheshire proceedings, examining all upon oaths. Several … interment, and afterwards debated the Lancashire and Cheshire proceedings, and adjourned its further debate sine …
Calendar of State Papers Colonial, America and West Indies
… forthwith issue out orders to the several Captains in his Regiment to send out a patrol or patrols every night within … are continued as a Guard to the Town. Ordered that the Regiment under Col. Tobias Frere go next upon duty as a guard …
Calendar of State Papers Colonial, America and West Indies
… such a resolute gentleman as Sir Jno. Harman, with a full regiment of soldiers. I wish that the next Governor made have …
Calendar of State Papers Colonial, America and West Indies
… one of the standing companies, and Colonel of the Militia regiment. Signed, Wm. Stapleton. Holograph. 1 p. Endorsed. [ …
Calendar of State Papers Colonial, America and West Indies
Displaying 141 - 150 of 14051