
Displaying 1491 - 1500 of 18776
Fasti Ecclesiae Anglicanae 1541-1857
… of Wells 1591-1857 2. Canons residentiary, 1591-1857 The royal letters patent of 25 Nov. 1591, which redefined the … D. by 21 Oct. 1696 ( see Chancellors) and succ. by William Clement ( Cal. Wells 11 476). Thomas Lessey M.A. (Combe III) … and succ. by John Jenkins ( Cal. Wells 11 513). William Clement M.A. (archdcn. of Bath, Ilton) 1697-1711. Adm. 8 Jan. …
Fasti Ecclesiae Anglicanae 1066-1300
… Nic. IV nos. 3397-3402). Had numerous livings. D. towards the end of Oct. 1294 ( Ann. Worc. p. 517). Boniface of … also brother of Bertrand de Got, abp. of Bordeaux, pope Clement V (1305-14). 305 D. before 28 Sept. 1299 ( ibid.). … family was influential in S. W. France; see S. Menache, Clement V (Cambridge, 1998), and for William, ibid. pp. 7-8. …
Fasti Ecclesiae Anglicanae 1066-1300
… in addition to known ones II. CANONS WHO OCCUR IN THE PERIOD c . 1100-1300 WHO EVIDENTLY HELD AN UNIDENTIFIED … to c. 1214 (cf. above, p. 56). M. Henry de Cornhill For the possibility that either he or Richard Talbot held … of Consumpta, c. 1262, see above p. 44. M. Nicholas son of Clement First occ. as can. [Apr. 1138 × 1150] (WD 4 fos. …
Fasti Ecclesiae Anglicanae 1541-1857
… Canons Fifth prebend CANONS OF THE 5TH PREBEND, PETERBOROUGH John … p. 549; P.R.O., E 315/245 f. 25). Specifically said to be the 5th preb. Cambridge, Corpus Christi College MS. 122 f. …
Fasti Ecclesiae Anglicanae 1541-1857
… Canons Fifth prebend CANONS OF THE 5TH PREBEND, NORWICH Nicholas (? … instal. 7 Aug. but refused (because he did not have the king's mandate with him); instal. 21 Aug. (DCN 24/3 ff. …
Fasti Ecclesiae Anglicanae 1541-1857
… Canons Fifth prebend CANONS OF THE 5TH PREBEND, BRISTOL Richard … Instal. 18 June (DC/A/8/6, unpaginated). D. 20 Jan. 1872 ( The Times, 23 Jan.; Ep./A/1/5). 'antea installatus et …
Fasti Ecclesiae Anglicanae 1541-1857
… Canons Fifth prebend CANONS OF THE 5TH PREBEND, ROCHESTER Robert … 1558-60 p. 124). Instit. by chapter of Canterbury 6 March (the bpc. and the abpc. being vac.) ( Cant. Inst. sede vac. p. …
Fasti Ecclesiae Anglicanae 1541-1857
… Canons Fifth prebend CANONS OF THE 5TH PREBEND, WINCHESTER Henry …
Fasti Ecclesiae Anglicanae 1541-1857
… Canons Fifth prebend CANONS OF THE 5TH PREBEND, ELY Giles Eyer B.D. … instal. 1 Sept.; instal. 22 Sept. (EDC 2/11/1). Canon of the 1st preb. 1661. Thomas Wren M.D., LL.D. 1662-1679. Coll. …
Fasti Ecclesiae Anglicanae 1541-1857
… Canons Second prebend CANONS OF THE 2ND PREBEND, ELY Matthew Parker D.D. 1541-1554. Apptd. by … of Cambridge, gentleman, patron hac vice by reason of the gr. of next pres.; instit. 8 May 1579 (G/1/8 f. 175). D. … 1 Feb. 1724, on becoming canon of Oxford (G/1/11 p. 216). Clement Tookey M.A. 1724-1748. Coll. 12 Feb. 1724 (G/1/11 p. …
Displaying 1491 - 1500 of 18776