
Displaying 111 - 120 of 75421
Calendar of Patent Rolls, Henry III
… de presentatione ad ecclesiam Sancte Marie de Arcubus in London, vacantem et ad donationem regis spectantem ratione …
Calendar of Patent Rolls, Henry III
… et sine inpedimento venire possint in terram Anglie usque London cum platis et minis argenteis cambiandis, et salvo de … et barones qui de mandato regis convenerunt apud London a die Pasche in tres septimanas anno etc. xvj, … R. comitis Cestrie et Linoolnie qua tenetur apud London, non teneatur ad presens torneamentum captum apud …
Calendar of Patent Rolls, Henry III
… Nov. 3. Lambeth. Grant to Henry, chancellor of St. Paul's, London, for a fine, of the custody, during the minority of … earl of Kent, sister of the king of Scots, coming to London to confer with her husband touching those things … before Martinmas, 17 Henry III, at the New Temple, London, of 150 l. for the king, by the hand of Hugh de …
Calendar of Patent Rolls, Henry III
… out by his pursuers, without orders, and brought to London, but the king respecting the liberty of the church, … bailiffs then present received him and brought him to London and delivered him to the constable of the Tower. The … king and against all others. And so he came at Cornhull in London on the eve of St. Martin's and appeared before …
Calendar of Patent Rolls, Henry III
… pervenerint, salutem. Noveritis nos mutuo recepisse apud London pro negotiis nostris et regni nostri utiliter … Archangeli de mense Septembris apud Novum Tempium, London, sine aliqua diminutione, dilatione seu cavillatione, …
Calendar of Patent Rolls, Henry III
… the king, saving in all things the liberty of the city of London. Grant to the citizens of Winchester of murage for two … the same words and under the same form as the citizens of London have. Nov. 10. Hereford. Mandate to Thomas de Berkele … of the lands in Brochamton and Cumbroc which the king had formerly granted to Ralph de Trublevill, his uncle, to hold …
Calendar of Patent Rolls, Henry III
… de la Wale leads, freighted by William Joinier, citizen of London, to whom belong the wines and merchandise therein … P. de Rivallis. Mandate to the constable of the Tower of London to deliver the king's fortieth from the counties of … without term, for Joceus son of Peter, citizen of London. May 4. Westminster. The like for the prior and monks …
Calendar of Patent Rolls, Henry III
… John de Abbendon, clerks, chamberlains of the Exchequer of London, which 600 l. Robert Passelewe and the said … sent there to him by his order from the treasury of London. By the said Peter. Safe-conduct until the next … the castle of Bolesovres to Richard Suward, as he was formerly commanded; as the king remembers and he ought to …
Calendar of Patent Rolls, Henry III
… to brother Hugh de Stoctun, treasurer of the New Temple, London, to deliver to Hubert de Burgo, earl of Kent, the … and a pillory in their market of Bromholm, which the king formerly granted to them by his charter. Mandate to the … parishioners of the church of St. Magnus in the city of London, for the enlargement ( ad ampliationem) of the said …
Calendar of Patent Rolls, Henry III
… herein. By W. de Kirkeham, dean of St. Martin's, London. Aug. 23. Odiham. Safe-conduct for a ship of the prior … of Michaelmas term 80 l. by tale, as they used to render formerly. Aug. 26. Odiham. Grant to William de Radeclive, … to Master Alexander de Swereford, treasurer of St. Paul's, London, of 40 marks a year at the Exchequer, to maintain him …
Displaying 111 - 120 of 75421