
Displaying 71 - 80 of 41074
Calendar of Patent Rolls, Henry III
Calendar of Patent Rolls, Henry III
… to this liberty. Vacated. Because they had it not. March 27. Norwich. Exemption, for life, of Gilbert son of Thomas … has been laid to the charge of the said Simon. March 27. Norwich. Respite, for a fine, for three years from Monday … for five years from Whitsunday, for the said Bertram. May 27. Westminster. The like, for three years from Whitsunday, …
Calendar of Patent Rolls, Henry III
… Gregory, and because he came not he was outlawed. Sept. 27. Canterbury. Grant to Ralph de Bakepuz of 20 marks a year …
Calendar of Patent Rolls, Henry III
… the king's bailiffs, and may hold it in frank almoin. Jan. 27. Windsor. Simple protection, for three years from the … 20 marks a year to maintain him in the said office. April 27. Merton. Grant to Bernard Nicholai that of his own wine …
Calendar of Patent Rolls, Henry III
… the death of his father, a messuage, two parts of 27 acres of land, 2 acres of meadow, 5 acres of pasture, and … others. The enrolment of this letter was made at Merton on 27 April, 41 Henry III, in the presence of Sir Walter de … there in the service of the king and Edward his son. June 27. Windsor. Thomas de Basinges. William le Fort. Nicholas de …
Calendar of Patent Rolls, Henry III
… Master Rostand and others of the king's council. June 27. Westminster. Exemption, at the instance of Gerard de … or recognitions, and from being made sheriff &c. July 27. Windsor. Grant to William Bonquer of the wardship of the …
Calendar of Patent Rolls, Henry III
… Norfolk and Suffolk are commanded to provide jurors. Jan. 27. Canterbury. Whereas there has been a contention between …
Calendar of Patent Rolls, Henry III
… and as though it should remain to the sheriff. 1257.Dec. 27. Westminster. Exemption, for life, of William de Whelton … and from being made sheriff &c. against his will. Feb. 27. Westminster. Notification to all who received anything by … king is sending there to make prises and purchases. Feb. 27. Westminster. Bond to Humphrey de Bohun, earl of Essex and …
Calendar of Patent Rolls, Henry III
… saving to Thomas de Clervall his term of five years. Nov. 27. Wymondley. ( Wilemundele.) Grant to Hawise late the wife … for Hugh de Nevyle, going on pilgrimage to Santiago. Dec. 27. Westminster. Pardon, at the instance of R. king of the …
Calendar of Patent Rolls, Henry III
… women and the inquisition to come before him. [Nov. 27. Royston.] Appointment of Henry de Farley and Richard le …
Displaying 71 - 80 of 41074