
Displaying 29661 - 29670 of 29705
Feet of Fines of the Tudor period [Yorks]
… Ryshworth, gent., and Isabel his wife Manor of Crosley Hall and 6 messuages, 6 cottages, and a watermill with lands … kt., and Ann his wife The moiety of the manor of Kyrkby Hall and of 2 messuages with lands in Kyrkby, Usborne, and …
Feet of Fines of the Tudor period [Yorks]
… Messuage with lands and the moiety of the manor of Kyrkeby Hall als. Kyrkeby Usburne, and of lands in the same. John … William Goodale, William Claytonne, John Leadbetter, Peter Hall, William Richardsonne, William Ogdenne, John Brooke, …
Feet of Fines of the Tudor period [Yorks]
… Fines 1559 1559 15589 HILARY TERM, 1 ELIZABETH. Edward Hall and Richard Elmer Katherine Hall, wid., and Thomas Hall The moiety of the manor of Lennarton and of 2 cottages, …
Feet of Fines of the Tudor period [Yorks]
… in Bawncrofte, Snaythe, and Cowyck. Ralph Pynder Thomas Hall Manor of Lenerton and a messuage with lands there. … grange, called Woodlethes, and the grange, called Barley hall, and 9 messuages, 40 cottages, 5 shops, and the moiety …
Feet of Fines of the Tudor period [Yorks]
… remain to George Taylor, one of her sons. Thomas Hall Elizabeth Harcootte, wid. Manor of Mylfurth Hall and a messuage with lands in Southmylfurth and …
Feet of Fines of the Tudor period [Yorks]
… Man Thomas Deconson The moiety of the manor of Kyrkebye Hall als. Kyrkebye Osborne, and the moiety of a messuage and … a Windmill with lands in Heylow, Ruckroft, Raw, Starforth Hall, Tunstall, Swaldale, and Arkendale. Robert Utie John … Helay, East Ruckrofte, Westruckrofte, Strartforth, Hall Rawe, Arkendall, Swaldall, Grynton, Anderby in le Myere, …
Feet of Fines of the Tudor period [Yorks]
… of Bracewell, Pathnall, Paythorne, Bollyng, and Bollyng-hall, Thorneton, Hayneworthe, Denholme, Allerton, and …
Feet of Fines of the Tudor period [Yorks]
… with lands in Swaynbie. John Lee and Ann his wife William Hall, gent., and Elizabeth his wife Messuage with lands in … 1lb of pepper rent in Marston, Hewton, and Tockwith. John Hall and Robert Ferrer Thomas Hall, gent. Manor of Lennerton and a messuage with lands in …
Feet of Fines of the Tudor period [Yorks]
… in Ulram. Thomas Boynton, esq. John Goddyere, Gilbert Hall and Alice his wife and Francis Skelton and Ann his wife …
Feet of Fines of the Tudor period [Yorks]
… with lands in Little Leamynge. George Browne and Ambrose Hall Christopher Danby, kt., and Elizabeth his wife and … and Walter Calverley, esq. Manor of Stanley als. Stanley Hall and 25 messuages with lands in Stanley, Wakefeld, …
Displaying 29661 - 29670 of 29705