
Displaying 81 - 90 of 2506
Calendar of State Papers Domestic: Anne
… nor the hand in which it was addressed to Captain Lewis Conyers at the Rose Coffee House, Convent Garden. He owns … down thither by water with Captain and Mrs. Murray and Mr. Conyers. The rest of the company he did not know, except Mr. … Endd. S.P. Dom., Anne 1, 34. 21 May. Deposition of Lewis Conyers, of "Convent Garden," Gentleman. Was never an officer …
Calendar of State Papers Domestic: Anne
… Ayloffe, Browne, Blaney, Broderick, Breckstone, Cowper, Conyers, Clift, Cheshire, Darnell (S), 20 Dodd, Deane, Eyres, …
Calendar of State Papers Domestic: Anne
… Thomas Davall, Sir Edward Turner, Sir John Marshall, John Conyers, John Wroth, William Harvey, Samuel Jones, Edward …
Calendar of State Papers Domestic: Anne
… of Manchester. Baronets:Sir Robert Bernard and Sir John Conyers. Messrs. Dryden, Proby, Biggs, Torkington, … Rebow, Sir Cane James. Esquires:Francis Barrington, John Conyers, Benjamin Mildway, Edward Luther, Benjamin Desborow, …
Calendar of State Papers Domestic: Anne
… with their governor, Timothy Aubrey, and a servant. Mr. Conyers. Isaac d'Epicier, a French Protestant. Ministers and … Jew. Peter Francia and others. From p. 321. Lieutenant Conyers Perrott, with a corporal, drummer and private, and … and C. Wallwyn. A. Wallwyn. 23 June. Christopher de Conyers, servant to the Marquis de Rinuccini. 25 June. …
Calendar of State Papers Domestic: Anne
… Ref. Prince's Council. Ibid , pp. 50, 51. 19 Dec. John Conyers. It will be a great benefit to the city of London and …
Calendar of State Papers Domestic: Anne
… or Solicitor General. 1. Great Seal, granting John Conyers a weekly market at East Grinstead, as prayed (see …
Calendar of State Papers Domestic: Anne
… and Nathan Wilcox. To make diligent search for Lewis Conyers and arrest him and bring him before the Secretary of …
Letters and Papers, Foreign and Domestic, Henry VIII
… April, 40 l. 2 s. 8 d. And similar entries for John lord Conyers, captain of 200, w. 24 April, wages, 68 l. 12 s. 8 …
Calendar of Treasury Books
… Taylor, Solomon Balmier, John Owen, Ephr. Aylward, John Conyers, Mark Hildesley and John Salter each 2 s. 4 d. …
Displaying 81 - 90 of 2506